Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hurry up whore, we're going to be late!" Heather shouts, pounding on the bathroom door. I trace my eyelid with the liner brush before yelling, "Piss off slut!". I pucker my lips before taking one last look in the mirror, at my scarlet dress clad body and smokey eyes. Makeup isn't something I wear often, but damn, I know how to use it right.

I unlock the door and strut out into my bedroom where Heather is splayed on my bed, her mess of curls a curtain around her shoulders. She sits up, straightening out her skin-tight silver dress.

"You sure can clean up, Alice. Boys are going to go absolutely mad when they see you," she teases before standing and sliding her manicured toes into her matching pumps. Even when she's not wearing shoes, Heather stands a good 5 or 6 inches taller than my small 5' 1" stature. Her legs are nearly longer than my bed, and her waist is tiny and slim. She winks at me, grabs me by the hand and pulls me through my house and out into her own black Audi. I fasten myself in and twiddle my thumbs nervously. I am only 17, I'm not allowed to go to a club! I mean, I only have a couple months until I'm 18 but it's against the law.

"What's wrong, Pouty?" Heather asks, glancing at the road and her makeup through the rearview mirror.

"What if we get caught?!!!?" I squeal. "We'll be arrested, and then sold as slaves to rich families in America and we'll have to be prostitutes for the rest of our lives!!"

"Jesus, Alice, calm the fuck down. I've faked my identity dozens of times, tonight will be the dozen-th and first time. I'm a pro," Heather replies, pulling into a parking lot where maybe a hundred cars are parked outside of a neon flashing club. I gulp, terrified of the consequences of our actions if we are to be noticed.

"I don't even look 17, I can't pass for 18 or older!" I whisper-shout as we walk toward the chauffeurs guarding the entrance.

"Licenses, ladies," the taller one to the left asks.

"Here ya are, sir," Heather slurs, as if she's already had a few drinks. I flash mine as well, but don't hold it up any longer than necessary. He scans Heather's smirking face, and for a second I think he is going to either grope her or arrest her.

"Have a good time, Miss," he says instead, and we head through the doors. Immediately the scent of alcohol and sweat wash over me as my eyes adjust to the hectic scene. Girls, older and some younger than me, grind up against any intoxicated male body they can find, while the ones who are still sober enough to remember this night watch from afar, downing drink after drink until they can join them.

I don't belong here.

"Heather, I'm going to the loo... I'll find you later. Go have fun, Tiger," I say, trying to see Heather straight through the blinding strobe lights.

"Kay honey. Be safe. And remember, this is s'posed to be fun- whyy hellooooo there." Heather trails her eyes up and down the man in front of her, and he pulls her off to dance. I chuckle, typical Heather, and go off in search of the restrooms.

I'm looking everywhere, when suddenly I run into something- someONE- very solid.

"Sorry, my bad, can't find the bathroom... hope I didn't spill your drink... uh... my bad," I stutter, looking into the gorgeous eyes of the man standing above me.

"Don't worry love. My drink is just fine. I don't reckon I've seen you here before... I'm Anthony Gray, a usual here," the man says, holding his hand out for me to take, which I do. But instead of shaking my hand like I thought he would, he brought it up to his lips and planted a kiss to my knuckles.

"It's my first time. I'm Alice DeLaceu," I respond. "You say you're a regular here? It's a little much, don't you think?"

Anthony smiles. "I don't mind it. I come here to get away. Maybe come back with a lady. But I don't stay with her too long. Not that type of guy."

"I'll be going then," I am quick to say, but he grabs my wrist, painfully, and says, "you're going nowhere, until you have a dance with me."

"No thanks, I'll pass. Goodnight.Sorry about running into you."

"Adios, Alice DeLaceu," he murmurs hoarsely into my ear, "I'll be seeing you soon." I swallow and walk away speedily, hoping he doesn't catch up. I spend the rest of the night sitting on a stool st the bar, drinking water, while I watch Heather shove her ass into countless (I lost track after six) mens' crotches. Finally, by midnight, I've had enough, so I pull Heather away from her latest catch and drag her to the car. She's too drunk to drive, so I sigh and throw her into the back seat of her Audi and dig around in her clutch for the keys. On the way home, my mind keeps wandering to my strange encounter with Anthony Gray, and can't help to think how familiar his face was...


hey guys... this is my first story, so tell me whether I should continue or not, ahaha... thanks:)

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