1 Quick Life Hack/Tips About Your Hamster's Water:

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Once in awhile, I'll have these kinds of chapters where I can share tips and life hacks with you! This time they're specifically for your hamster's water bottle, but it might be about food, toys, random care, or other things. Enjoy!

1. If you have a bin cage, aquarium tank, or a DIY cage, sometimes it can be hard to find a way to hang the water bottle safely. Here are a few things you can do that I've done in the past:

-If you have a Cheesy Chew toy or something like it, (in the picture above,) then you can use that to stand up the hamsters water bottle in the cage. There are a few holes in the toy, so it's pretty easy to figure out. (Just slip the bottle through the top hole and the spout part should be shown through the other hole) It's great for a corner, and the water can easily be changed. :)

-Another thing is to use strong Velcro. This is super handy for aquarium tanks, and is a simple thing to do. Just follow the instructions on your package, and then stick some on both the water bottle and the tank! Ta-da!

-The last thing, (This is what I do currently.) is for a bin cage. You know for barred cages, there are the plastic water bottle holders? (Also in the picture above.) Well all you have to do is drill a hole big enough for the holder to fit and then stick it in. And there you go!

I hope you guys liked these handy tips and don't forget to comment! Thx!!!

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