Dark clouds: 1

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Levi sat on the edge of his apartment roof, looking upon the traffic and bustle of the evening in New York City. There was a slight wind, which caused his hair to brush softly against his emotionless face. A pigeon landed beside him on the concrete, not seeing him as a threat and softly cooing while searching for food. Levi ignored the creature and looked back down at his dangling feet. A few sudden images flashed before him of the feet falling. A simple push would cause a chain reaction leading to one less soul in the world. He shook the thoughts off and got up, planning to go back inside. Suddenly a loud SLAM was heard behind him, along with Petra's screechy voice.
"Levi Ackerman! Get down here right now! I can't be away for 5 minutes to go get the paper without you standing at the edge of the roof?" Levi had another image of him jumping, and seeing her expression while flipping her off as a ghost. The thought made him smirk, although he didn't follow through and got off of the ledge, as he originally planned, and followed the squeaky Petra back in.
Petra Ral was Levi's high school friend. It was mostly a one-sided friendship, and that's why she so quickly volunteered to stay with him on his two month suicide watch. They planned to have it at the hospital, but Levi quickly got out of it when he said that just the sight of a hospital made him want to kill himself. It took a bit more convincing, and he was home free... Almost. Now Petra wasn't going to trust him alone anymore. Sigh, He thought, looking out the window at the mocking pigeon. "I have a free life. I have wings and can soar through the clouds. Your stuck on earth." Levi shook his head and thought if a side affect to depression was hearing animals talk inside your head. If so, he had it.
Levi woke up on his couch, a sad deflated "feel better soon!" Balloon from his friend Hanji floating in the corner. He got up and grunted, not relieved to hear Petra's voice from the kitchen.
"Oh, Levi honey. You're awake." She gave a small smile and returned to scanning through the pantry, Levi assumed for dinner.
"I was thinking of doing something happy this week. You know, like going to the zoo, or the mall..."
"My idea of doing something happy is being in the forest, miles away from you." He sighed, not noticing her hurt face. They were good friends, but when you have a dark cloud above your head and someone comes along and forcibly tries to push sunshine in place of the cloud, it doesn't make you too happy with them. Petra huffed. "Fine. Be all suicidal and crap. I don't care." Levi heard a door slam and, 5 minutes later, got a text. He picked up his phone and checked the screen, not surprised to see a text from you know who.
"Sorry I freaked. You just aren't making it very easy for me. Remember, one call and I can have you put in that hospital. Please don't make this a bad thing. XoXo"
Levi sighed and texted her back, his thumbs swiftly moving across the screen.
Don't get your panties in a twist. You're fine. If you are so worried about me, fine, I'll go to the park. I know you have to come with me, but keep your distance. Don't be the over-attached soccer mom.
Send. Buzz.
"That's great, Levi!! Tomorrow after lunch."
Swipe. Click click click.
No leash. Or I'm never seeing the sun again.

Dark clouds: ereriWhere stories live. Discover now