Cerulean Bio

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Name: Cér vū léon, later simplified to Cerulean.
Nickname: Cér, Blue.
Origin of name: French
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Blood type: B
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Who would be idiotic enough to be caught?

Birth Place: Long forgotten.
Current residence: Constantly on the move.
Occupation: Who knows ~
Title/Rank: Sociopath, formally. Psychopath, informally.
Hobbies/Pastimes: Revealed through roleplay.
He possesses the ability to confuse others easily as well as distract them with his constantly changing train of thought. Quite handy at times.

Physical Characteristics:

Cerulean stands at 5'3" with a weight of 100 lbs. The blue tinted male has a flash of white hair, not unusually seen pinned back by blue triangular hairpins, complimenting his heart-shaped face; his eye hue is very similar, standing out from his white hair and translucent skin with their aqua color.
Being abnormally proper, he stands straight with his hands clasped in front of him, though he tends to slouch when he is thinking or ready to act on his eccentric whims.
As everyone normally has, Cerulean possesses two smiles: a fake one and his genuine one. Though his faux smile is shown to friends and family, his genuine smile is often to revealed to victims or whomever is about to witness his unstable mind, a side smirk of a sort with his eyes wide as he's prepared to lash out.
The smaller male used to be right handed, but grew bored being mainstream and become ambidextrous.
Cér's apparel changes every once in a while due to his fickleness, but he known to often wear his previous school's uniform. He no longer attends the distinguished establishment, though he often returns when bored or to stalk a certain person, using the uniform to blend in. On casual days out, he usually wears a simple tee or a sweater and jeans, depending on the weather. Nothing that sticks out too much. If one were to look into his wardrobe they'd find it rather bland, other than the impressive collection of hairpins he has gathered throughout his years.

Past History

Cerulean knew he was different since he came out of the womb. Whoever's womb that might be was unimportant. As soon as he was born, the boy was shipped to a top secret science facility for examining to due his albino state.
Many unspoken things occurred at the facility which left Cér with a sour outlook on the rest of humanity before he was released 15 years later. The human race simply became useless pieces in a larger game, with him being a "king" of sorts. At times, the male questioned whether this game was worth it or not.
However, he continued to live and play with the humans, as pieces are meant to be played with. He also attained an affinity for collecting the eyes of a few of his not-so-lucky victims, taking only the ones he felt were unique. Uniqueness was the only thing that mattered in the world. And winning, of course.
After he was released from the facility, Cér moved away from France to England, finding a new apartment and simplifying his name to Cerulean. Soon after, he enrolled himself into the prestigious Goulart, only to drop out soon after due to boredness as well as bitterness directed at his idiotic classmates. After that, he busied himself with odd jobs for money, and stalking whomsoever caught his eye.

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:

Cerulean possesses high levels of intelligence according to whatever he seeks to know. He's a very curious being, which is most likely why he hasn't erased his presence from the world yet. The albino was taught English while in the facility, and also has known French from childhood.
The male possesses great self confidence and expresses his importance to the world as often as the occasion permits. As previously stated, he views himself as an important piece to some greater good, and views the rest of the human race as lesser beings. If Cér were to dislike something about himself, it would be that he is considered human just as ever other boring person out there; however, he would be proud of being one of the more unique and attractive ones.
Even though at a first glance he appears normal, Cerulean can be quite mentally unstable due to his dislike of the human race, along with his playful personality. Cér prefers to "play" in a sense with his victims before actually doing them physical harm, using his manipulative abilities to confuse them. After all, a king needs his entertainment.
If the albino were to have a fear, it would be of spiders certainly, but to also be manipulated in any way, feeling just as weak and pathetic as his victims. He fears to be normal.

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