WELL WELL WELL school has started for me and Ik some of u guys start later or have already started, but my school started on a Tuesday. And officially ALL MY CLASSES SUCK.
last year I had this crazy cat lady computering teacher and I was PRAISING the lord that I survived that year with her. But guess what? Oh yeah I got the same god damn class again. Like out of all these classes I got hers. And thats not all, no no no, I'm stuck in that class filled with 50 other kids including me so woopty doo.
Except I filled out a form to change classes so pray that it's open for me.... Anyways all my other classes suck cuz I'm a loner all my friends r in other classes so I cri evytim.
And I already got "detention" for lunch just cuz I didnt have my dad sign a paper or something and her name is Ms. Hagan... biatch alert.
The ONLY thing that I enjoy is after school when I walk with my friend and buy food. For example tomorrow I'm going to buy a tub of ice cream cuz its hot as SHIT outside also cuz I need it rn.
I'd like to know how u guys r doin so far too so let me know.
I literally cannot do this rn. I am not having it. Like this year is just....no
I dont think I can do this for ANOTHER YEAR. hell no, goodbye.
I am so done.Thank you for your time
Stay weïrd. 🍵🍃