How you two meet!

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You yawned as you looked at your watch, its 9:30 in the morning and no one has entered Starbucks. You looked at the see through doors behind the cash register/counter. You bent over and layed your arm flat on the marble tile resting your head on your arm. 5 minutes later you heard the bell that hanged ontop of the door that dinged when there was a costumer. You shot up and said good morning to the stranger he was looking down at the donuts and bagels in a glass case, you looked down as well waiting for him to point at what he wanted. "Okay can I have four jelly filled donuts, and four medium sized coffee." "Okay." You said typing everything in the computer in front of you." You grabbed a white bag and put all The donuts in it. You ran over to the coffee machines and layed four cups with coffee in it and began to snap caps on them. "Okay sir that'd be 25 dollars and 15 cents you looked up and handed him his order. Your breath was taken away. He was gergouse he had deep blue eyes, beautiful hair with a small fringe, and gray beanie laying lazily on his head but still looked beautiful. "Uhum." He cleared his throat causing you to come back to reality. Your felt your cheeks get warm. "Oh um sorry, oh heres your change!" "Thank you." He smiled "can I ask for one more thing?" "Sure!" "Can I have your number?" You chuckled "sure." He gave you his phone and you gave him yours he handed you your phone and you gave him his. You went to find his contact and smiled at his contact name "Luke the Starbucks boy:)"

You were walking your German shepered "Champion" around the streets of Sydney When you felt the leash being ripped out your hands. You looked up from your phone and saw your dog running down the sidewalk, chasing after who knows what you sprinted after him yelling his name "CHAMPION!" "CHAMPION!" "STOP CHAMPION!" He was trained to stop when you said stop but something got into him and he wouldn't obey. Youre dog stopped in front of a boy and he bent over to put him. "Hi boy what are you doing here alone? What's your name" he grabbed the collor tab and read it "oh champion that's a cool name!" "Champion." You sighed out of breath. You stopped running bending over putting your hands on your knees catching your breath. The mystery guy walked up to you holding the dogs leash. "Is this your dog?" He asked. You stood up and forgot what to say when you saw his beautiful brown eyes. "Um y-yea he just um ran away from me and I don't know uh why he usually doesn't do that." You explained glaring down at champion he just looked at me and titled his head to the side and you looked back up to the cute boy. "Maybs its faith." He said smiling. You smiled back "maybe it is." "Do you believe in love at first sight?" "Um i don't know do you?" "I do know" he said "sorry that was stupid um im calum." "Y/N" you said "wanna go out to dinner tonight around 7?" "Sure! Give me your phone" "uhh yea here" you quickly typed in your number and your name. "Here call me when you need the address." "Will do bye see you tonight." He said and walked away. Around 5 minutes later your phone buzzed with a notification of a new message "hi its calum! Can wait to see ya save this as my number byexox" you laughed and saved his number as Cal❤❤

You walked out of a smoothie shop holding on to your strawberry smoothie when a guy bumped into making you spill all the strawberry smoothie on your white T-shirt. "Hey watch it!" You yelled looking down at your shirt anger written all over your face. "I'm so so sorry hold on." He ran inside and came out with wet paper towels "here." He said you yanked it out of his hands mummbling "thank you." And dabing it gently. You bend down picking up the cup but so was he your hands touched. You looked up and so did he "hi" he said smiling. "Hi" you said back returning a smile. "I'm sorry about all this." He said pointing at your shirt and the smoothie all over the floor. "Its okay accidents happen!" "Let me buy you a new smoothie." "No its okay you helped alot its no biggie." "No I feel bad that smoothie looked really good and you looked sad and mad when it dumped all over you and the ground." You laughed "yea I was." "So what do you say?" "Okay come one" "yes!" He smiled after ordering you sat down talked laughed and got his number!"

Michael: you walked into the video game store running To the isle of the new game injustice and saw only one was left you reach for it but another guy grabbed it "hey! I was getting that" "I saw it first!" He said back like a toddoler "so! What are you five act like a gentelmen and give me the game." I reached my hand out waiting for him to put it in my hands. Instead he just laughed "yea sure." "Ugh!" I walked away when I heard wait! I turned around arms folded. Looking up at The boy that stole the game I've been stalking for months. "We can both play this if you come to my place!" "Are you asking me on a date?" "Maybe...." He smiled "I don't even know your name!" I said "its Michael! And you are...." "Y/N" "okay now we know each others name let's go!" He grabbed my hand running out the shop I giggled blushing that he was touching my hand. Yes I like him a lot he's funny and loves video games and is adorable

A/N: whew first prefrence hope you exploded with feels if not just wait there's more to come ;) :)

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