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Im finally here. It took almost forever but hey. Its pretty big lots of people. I Said my goodbyes to my parents and My little sister and walked off with my things.

"Hi, Im Aaliyah..I Was Supposed To be here 2 days ago.

"Oh yes, we have your name right here. Your dorm is dorm 4." The girl smiled and handed me my key.

I walked off unto the dorms. It took a while to find dorm 4 these dorms are very big. I walked into the dorm it was Know one in there but I seen their stuff So I Just Started Getting unpacked. Then I heard the door.

"Oh Hiya." A Girl said with an Accent. "My Names Lauren." She smiled.

"Hi, Im Liyah." I Gave Shook Her hand.

Lauren Has Long Curly Hair, Shes Brownskin..So Im Guessing shes mixed. A Picture Of her Is On The top.

"So, wanna go to the girls? Or wait until they come back?" Lauren Asked.

"I can wait, plus I still have unpacking too do." I giggled.

"I can help." Lauren smiled putting her big curly hair in a pony tail.

"Thanks." I said.

10 minutes later.

"Lauren!?" I heard a voice call.

"Were baacckkk" I heard another.

"That's them." Lauren laughed a little getting up. "Guys, our last roommate is here." She smiled at them.

"Where is she?" One of them asked.

"Probably her room." I head the other girl say. I walked out the room and It was BRITTANY AND KAYLA!

"Oh My God!" I yelled hugging Kayla.

"Ive Missed You." Kayla said hugging back.

"Liyah?" Brittany Said but as I Question.

"Brittany." I smiled.

"Oh.. it is you." She said and walked away.

Then I Remembered.

FLASH BACK! Prom night.

"How could you do that too Elijah?" Brittany asked me sounding mad.

"I didnt do anything..Justin Kissed Me.!" I yelled

"Your just a selfish bitch..dont care about no ones feelins but yours." Brittany pushed me.

"Dont call me out my name and DONT Touch me." I said getting in Brittany face.

"Ladies Ladies.. Stop It Have fun tonight, not argue." The Principal Said Moving us Away From Each Other.

End Of Flash Back

"I Forgot." I said.

"What?" Lauren and Kayla Asked.

"Prom night..I went to prom With this boy .. I mean we had a thing but Justin came outa know where and kissed me and I Kissed back..and Brittany Was Really Angry.. We Almost Faught." I said sitting on the couch.

"Thata crazy.. think you two will make up?" Lauren asked.

"I hope.. she was my first friend in that school." I said pushing my hair back.

"You two will be fine, but girl these college boys are fiinneee!" Kayla jumped up and down excited.

"Im single." I smiled.

"Same.!" Lauren laughed.

"Yakno mee." Kayla smirked making us Laugh

**Brittany POV**

I dont understand why God would put us in the same dorm.. I mean I could live with Being In The same college but dorm? No way.. I have to ask for a new dorm.. Aaliyah Was very wrong that night. Like how could she kiss someone in front of Her date? Shes a whore. She finished writing that in her book.

**End Of POV**

"Hey, the girls and I are going to the lounge.. wanna go?" Lauren asked Brittany.

"Yeah, I Guess." Brittany said walking With Lauren.

It was alot of people in there, I laughed at a joke I over heard then my phone started ringing.

Caller ID Justinn .

J- hey.


J- chillin packing my stuff.

A- for what?

J- college. Chaz & Ryan coming with.

A-have fun.

J- how is it?

A- its coo, im roommates with Brittany, Kayla & Girl Name Lauren.

J- you and Brittany okay?

A- nah
Not really.

J- sorry.

A- your okay, ima ttyl.

End Of phone call.

"What you guys wanna do?" Kayla asked.

"You guys been here longer than me..so one y'all pick." I Said.

"How about...Lunch?" Brittany asked with a smirk. "My Boyfriend go here and want to eat lunch with you guys..get to know yall." She smiled.

"Okay." Lauren Smiled.

We All started walking and finally got to the place. We had our seats and waited.

"There he is." Brittany smiled signaling him over here.

My whole body went numb to the Fact that he is her Boyfriend shes a slut.. she was supposed to be my friend.

"Hello ladies." He smiled.

"Hiya." Lauren smiled.

"Sup." Kayla said.

I didn't say anything, My mind was trying to put all the pieces together.

"My name Elijah." He smirked looking at me then Brittany

"This Is Kayla, Lauren & Liyah." She smiled introducing us.

He took his seat.

"Liyah, you okay?" Kayla asked me.

"Im Fine." I put on a fake smile and picked up my menu.

Few Minutes Later.

"Hi, im your Server are you guess ready to order?" He asked.

Everyone Ordered Ina Mean Time We all Had small talk why We I Mean Them I just sat there and Listened

"Why you not talking?" Brittany asked and smiled.

"Dont feel like it." I smiled back.

The Boy Next Door SequelWhere stories live. Discover now