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Nothing would ever be the same again. My teenage years were ticking by and being lonely was the regimen.  The voices and screams echoed in my mind and threw the hallways as if it were just yesterday that the whole situation occurred. The silence fought with me during the afternoons and late nights and always won. Inside of me, it was dark. With absolutely no light to break it up. Putting up a front of being this happy girl was becoming more difficult day by day. The smiles and laughter somehow hid the bruises in a way clothes could not. Tears burned my eyes when I thought of his gaze, his voice, his snicker and the agonizing torture that came with it. My life became prison in itself and he was the warden. Him. To say his name left a sour dry taste in my mouth. The damage he had done not only physically, but mentally, was beyond repair now.

I've never met my mom or dad. I was put up for adoption 2 months after I was born. I've been threw five homes until now I'm finally here. I've been here for 3 long years. Angelica and Roy take 'care' of me. We live in a nice house in the suburbs of Atlanta not to far from my highschool, South George High. I have two friends, Terry and Morgan. My story is long, but I guess I'll begin last summer on the solstice ....


A/N: This is kinda just an introduction to get you comfortable with the setting and a couple of characters. The real story starts next chapter. So what do you think? Vote and Comment. I'm going to try and post a chapter every couple of days put I'm still trying to figure out what my schedule will be. I'll post a status when I post a chapter though. Alright Ladybugs new chapter tomorrow ....

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