Better than nothing.

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"Ember do you know where the butter is." I said looking in the fridge. "It's on the top shelf she said from the other room. "I don't see it." I said. "It's beside the milk." She said. "Oh. Thanks." I said when I found it. "What are you doing anyways." She said. "It's Kori's birthday I want to make him a cake." I said getting all of the ingredients out. "Why don't you just let me make the cake then. Since you can't bake, cook, or clean." She said before Sober came running in with her long ears smacking her in the face. "Because he's my boyfriend and I never do anything for him." I said starting the cake.

(1 hour later)

"Happy birthday Kori." Ember said as Kori walked in. "Thanks." He said walking into the kitchen where I was still icing the poor cake. "Happy birthday babe." I said. "That's a very nice cake you've got there." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "You bet your biscuits it is." I said. "Poor cake." Ember said coming in the kitchen. "It's better than nothing" I said giving up. "Hey I offered to make the cake but no you wanted to make it." She said sitting on the counter. "This is probably the best cake I've made." I said. "I would hate to see the others than." Ember said. "Shut up" I said flinging icing at her. "No need to throw icing at each other." Kori said. "Be quiet." I said turning in his arms. "Ok well I'm gonna leave you two alone and go watch TV with Sober." Ember said leaving the room. "Your the best girlfriend ever." Kori said picking me up by the waist and sitting me on the table. "I know" I said pecking his lips. He leaned down until our faces were inches apart and his lips were lightly touching mine before it turned to a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened. When he finally pulled away he whispered "I love you Jess." I put my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you too." I said. I loved how he always smelled of cinnamon and strawberries. "Are you two having sex on the table. Don't make me throw it away." Ember said. "That ruined the mood." Kori said laughing . "That's Ember for you always ruining the mood." I said pecking his cheek before going into the living room. "Why is Sober so hyper." Ember said referring to how Sober was running around like crazy with her ears flopping everywhere. "Maybe someone roofied her. Lets just hope she doesn't knock herself out with her ears." I said sitting on the couch next to Ember. "What are we doing today." Ember said. "I don't know. We could go for pizza." I said. "I like pizza" Kori said sitting next to me. "Pizza it is" Ember said getting up and going into her room. "I'm going to go get dressed play with Sober or something." I said getting up and going into my room. I put on a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts before fixing my make-up and putting my hair in a ponytail. I went back into the living room to put on my flip flops. "Hey Jess do you know where my sliders are." Ember said walking in from the bathroom. "Try the kitchen" I said sitting back down. She nodded before I saw Sober carrying one of Embers shoes in her mouth. "Sober give me my shoe!" She said running after Sober. Me and Kori burst into laughter at the sight of seeing that.

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