The Basics

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Hi, my name is Jinx. Well, its what everyone calls me anyway.

I hope you all have enjoyed the story so far. It has been quite the beginning to what I hope to be a great adventure that I hope you all will join myself and Christopher on.

So, here are some things you may or may not know about me already:

I am fifteen and my birthday is on Halloween.....October thirty-first.

My favourite colour is blood purple.

As you may have guessed I am not the average teenage girl. I have such a twisted history it would make solving a maze or a puzzle or even a maths equation a piece of cake.

I've moved schools many times, too many to count. My life hasn't been easy. Well, who's has? In life you face many different task and dilemmas that we eventually work our way through them. I've faced a few tasks but they won't be what you call 'normal every day problems'. And it is simply because most of them involve either A) the paranormal B) the dead/lost souls or C) my curse.

My curse seems to chose the must inconvenient moment to work its dark magic. Many bad things have happened due to my curse those of which I shan't bore you with.

Any way... Feel free to leave any questions you wish to ask me in the comments and I shall answer them as soon as I can.

I hope that the answers you get will be helpful.

I have to go now, my farther is waiting for me and I dont want to be late, again... After all the dead don't sort themselves.

Until we speak again, up worlders.


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