The Princes and Us-a Twilight Story-Chapter 12

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Edward helped me out of the casket and we ran towards the door where Kristen, Nikki and Ashley were.

"Bella, I never want to see you in that thing as long as I live. Okay?" Edward said throwing his dazzling eyes in my direction.

"Okay. I promise you will never see me in another casket again." I said with a joking voice.

"I'm serious." He said but with a lighter tone this time.

"Man that was awesome!" Emmett yelled giving Jasper a high five.

''Dude you guys were amazing!" Jasper said to our 'ghosts'.

Ashley smiled brightly "Thank you very much."

"Wait, where are the other guys?" I asked them.

''Oh, Robert and Kellan and Jackson said they were going to follow them.'' Kristen said smiling.

''Why?'' Rosalie asked her confused.

The three girls just laughed. "Well, we thought they needed to be scared just one more time." Nikki said slyly.

We all looked at each other and laughed

Tanya's POV:

"Guys stop freaking out!'' I told them as we headed into the diner.

"Hello! Earth to Tanya! We just killed three girls, and now they're haunting us. Not to mention they were datingthe Princes of England! Do you actually think the guys, especially Edward, will just let this go?!" Tyler said breaking into a panic sweat rubbing his hands through his hair.

"For one...we didn't kill them. ''I turned to Jacob and glared. "It was him."

"Whoa! Hold up! This was your stupid plan Tanya!'' Jacob said defending himself.

"It wouldn't of been stupid if you had just listened to me!'' I hissed back.

"Guys stop yelling, people are starting to look." A very scared Mike warned us.

We all calmed down for a little bit, thinking to ourselves of what just happened.

"Okay, everyone just go think to themselves for awhile, take a walk, or try a take a nap. Meet back here in a couple hours." I told them with a heavy sigh.

''We have to tell." Lauren whispered.

I ran up to block the exit from them. "No! I said go clear your head! Nobody say a word!''

When they all nodded their heads in agreement I moved. I have to get out of here...and soon.

Bella's POV:

"So, what are you guys doing next--"

Just as I was talking Kristen's phone went off.

"Hey Rob, what's up?"

"Okay cool. Uh, I'll follow Lauren and Jessica, Nikki can follow Mike and Tyler and Ashley can follow Billy and Jacob. We'll all go after Tanya together. Yeah, okay I'll tell them." She hung up and turned to us grinning.

"What's going on?" Ashley asked excited.

"They all split up to go get their heads on straight, they are meeting back at their diner in a couple hours. Our job is to go scare them one group at a time. Then, right before they all go running back to Tanya we will scare her."

"Oh sounds vicious." Alice clapped her hands together.

"What do we do?" Edward asked.

"Go get the cops. Tanya and her posse are going down." Kristen laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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