Ghost Adventures: a love story

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My Ghost Adventures: a love story

Chapter 1

I was sitting in my hotel room reading a book and waiting for my mom to get back from touring Michigan. We just moved here because my dad said he would be back from a vacation his boss gave him and he never came back. My mom has been heartbroken ever since. She tries to hide it but she’s not fooling anyone. Anyways, my name is Payton. I used to live in New York. I’m 24 years old and just got out of college. While I was in my hotel room reading I heard the setting down of heavy suitcases. I could hear deep voices. I am a curious girl. So I got up and opened the door and came face to face with a guy with a camera in my face like he was about ready to knock on my door.

“Umm...hi” I said with a shocked expression on my face.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you or anything, but do you know anything about the haunted room right across from you?”

“No, sorry I just checked in last night. I wouldn’t know anything about it. Sorry.”

“Hey, it’s fine. I was just wondering. Thank you though!”



I closed the door and was thinking ‘that was weird!’ I went and got a bottle of water and picked up my book again. Just as I read the first sentence, I could hear what sounded like interviews. All I could hear was a deep voice and a ladies voice. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t get that deep voice out of my head. I was trying to think of something I could do to see whose voice that was. I finally thought of something that I could do to see that voice. I grabbed my purse and the key to the room and left to go to the gift shop to ‘buy something.’ I opened the door quietly and saw the camera man I saw earlier right in front of my door. I slipped behind him and saw who the man with the deep voice was. It was Zak Bagans. I have seen his show once or twice. He looked at me and I gave him a quick look and a little smile. Then walked away, only to turn around and still see him staring at me.

Chapter 2

I bought a t-shirt with the hotel’s name on it. I had to bring something back in a bag so it looks like I went somewhere. I came back and there was a guy being interviewed now instead of a woman. All I heard from him was “the ‘spirits’ hate it when you bring a female in with you.” After he said that the 4 guys there all looked at me. I quickly got the key out and I spun around so I could see Zak one more time. As I was shutting the door I see all camera’s were down (technical difficulties) and saw Zak wink at me. I smiled as I shut the door. I set my t-shirt on my suitcase and looked at the clock and it was 8. I decided to get out of the sweats and get into skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. You would think it would be the other way around but I was going to build up the courage to talk to Zak. I pulled my hair out of its pony tail and started to straighten it. When I was done with my hair and make-up it was 8:55. I was in my room pacing when my phone started to ring I answered it and it was my mom.

“Hey mom”

“Hey sweetie, look I’m up in the Upper Peninsula and I’m probably not going to be back in 10 days max. Can you handle that?”

“Of cores. I will call you everyday to tell you how things are going.”

“Ok. Sounds good. I left my credit card on the table; use it for food and emergencies only ok?”

“Ok, thanks mom! Love you! Bye!”


I was so happy because she wasn’t going to be home and I got to do whatever I wanted to do. Which mean hang out with Zak! Just then someone knocked at my door. I went and opened it. ‘Speak of the devil’ I thought when I was him standing at my doorway.

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