The Princes and Us-a Twilight Story-Chapter 16

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Somehow Tanya was going to try and get rid of me, or make Edward dump me. The second one was too unlikely while the first, well let's just say it almost happened once.

"Don't worry Bella, nothing is going to happen." Edward said rubbing my back trying to sooth me.

"Yeah, we have actually decided to have fun while she's here." Jasper said grinning.

"Huh?" Alice asked. "Is that even possible?"

"For us it is." Emmett chimed in.

"Prince, the Queen has requested your presence in the study, along with your brothers and fiancés." A butler looking man said to Edward.

"Thank you Ronald." Edward said.

Ronald bowed and then left the room.

When we got to the study Esme was sitting by a window reading a book. When she saw us come in she put it down.

"Girls! Today is our annual Royal Tea Party, would you like to come?" By the look on her face she hoped we would accept.

Before anyone had a chance to say something we heard loud moans come from the guys.

"Is it here already?" Edward whined. In fact, I had never heard Edward whine until now.

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "What's so bad about it?"

"It's the day that us guys have to dress up to look 'hot' and cater to the needs of everyone girl that's here, which means getting hit on by eighty year old women along with their ten year old granddaughters."

My sisters and I looked at each other with evil grins, "We are so in." Alice said smiling.

Once again the boys groaned. "Dang."

"Good!" Esme said clapping her hands together. "But, since Tanya and her family are coming you girls need to besmoking hot, well more than usual. I know what she did to you girls, and truthfully...I've never liked her."

"So you were just going to let me marry her anyway?!" Edward asked angrily.

Esme narrowed her eyes at him. "Well you aren't marrying her now so quit complaining."

"Yes ma'am." Edward said losing the argument.

"Anyway, boys I want you to take the girls to the party closet and let them wear anything in there." Esme instructed.

"Party closet?" Rosalie asked.

"You'll see." Jasper told her.

"Alright girls, go get ready. The company will be here soon." Esme scooted us out the door. "Boys, show them the room."

"Yes mom." They said together.

"So what's in this party closet?" I asked curiously.

"Stuff." Is all Edward said.

To get to this "party closet" we had to walk through Carlisle and Esme's room, through a secret hallway and down some stairs.

"Geez, nobody would ever find this place, honestly what's in here?" Alice was getting annoyed at the long walk.

We came to a door and the boys stopped. They turned around to us and grinned like little kids with their hands in the cookie jar.

"What is wrong with you?" Alice asked once again annoyed.

Jasper turned back around and unlocked the door with a key and swung the doors open. "Ta-da!"

Our mouths dropped. "Oh. My. GOOOOOSHHHHHHH!!" We screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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