Something is Wrong with the Case

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A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first Supernatural fanfiction so I hope it turns out okay. I probably won't update with the next chapter for a little while since I'm a bit backed up when it comes to writing. I apologize if any of the characters act strange. My family has pretty much blazed through all ten seasons of Supernatural. I started writing this when we were halfway through season five and now that I am currently writing chapter 11, we are watching season 10. I'm still not entirely sure what season this is supposed to be set in, most likely mid or early season 8. Anyway, I'm rambling. Please, enjoy!

The black '67 Chevy Impala raced down the silent night road. To the ordinary eye, the two men sitting inside were simple on a road trip or out driving late after a trip to the local bar. But Sam and Dean Winchester were more than two simple men. They were hunters. Monsters hunters. Their last hunting trip had left them physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. They needed somewhere to crash, but the next motel wasn't for miles.

Dean traced an absent minded finger across the radio switch. Sam was happily snoring away in the seat next to him. His older brother was feeling overdue for a nap himself. It was Sammy's turn to drive. He jammed the radio's ON button and 'Heat of the Moment' blared through the stereo.

Sam nearly jumped right through the roof of the car and quickly switched it off. "Jeez Dean. You wanna wake me up poke me, or shout. Just don't play that song. Never that one."

"Rise and shine, Princess. It's your turn to drive," Dean snorted, pulling over.

Sam rubbed his eyes and opened his passenger side door. "Remind me again where we're going," he yawned.

"West Chester, Pennsylvania," Dean replied, sliding comfortably into the passenger seat, "An old friend of Bobby's left a message on his phone, telling him to come out immediately because bad things were happing. I called her back and she said that lights were blinkin', kids were having scares in the middle of the night, rooms feeling cold. Normal boring crap like that."

"Well clearly not normal if we're investigating," Sam sighed, shining a flashlight down on their map.

"Oh that was a few months ago. Now Ms. Arcelor, single mother of three, says that lights ain't just flickering. They turn themselves on and off as they please. Cold spots are hittin' the house just before every accident. One morning her daughter even woke up with a crappy haircut that she most certainly did not have when she went to bed."

"I don't know, man. Does that sound like a trickster to you?"

After a moment of thought, Dean shook his head. "Nah. It's not a trickster's style, ya know what I mean?"


"Hmm," was Dean's only response.

Sam rubbed his tired eyes again and set down the map. "Okay. We're about thirty miles from town. You wanna camp here or wait til we get to a motel?"

"Drive on, Sammy. Motel beds beat this. No offense, baby. Smooth ride, just not a comfortable bed." Dean turned over and rested his cheek against the window while his brother shook his head and smiled. Then he pulled the gear back to 'drive' and zoomed away back down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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