Two days before their first show, I was able to fly to London. I flew from LAX to New York, then flew from there to Heathrow.
I didn't plan the surprise much. I didn't really know how to. So when I landed in Heathrow, I called Niall and had him pick me up. He very kindly drove me to Harry's place. The entire ride, I stared out the window and tried to take in all of my surroundings. London was a busy place.
Once Niall dropped me off, I took my bags up to Harry's door and walked right in (he thinks that because he has a gate, he doesn't need to lock his door - same thing in LA). I drop my stuff on the floor and glance around the place as I head into the living room. He practically falls to the floor when I come up really quietly behind him and clear my throat in his ear.
"Jesus christ, Ava!"
His anger is gone in less than two seconds and his arms are around my waist. "Surprise."
"What on earth are you doing here?"
"Did you really think I would miss your first show?"
He smiles, leaning down and quickly connecting his lips to mine. I wrap my arms tightly around him, leaning my body into his. "Well, welcome to London," he mumbles against my lips as he pulls back. "Guess I'll have to get dressed and be your tour guide, yeah?"
"Well it would only make sense, since I was the worlds greatest tour guide when you came to visit me for the first time."
two days later
In the last two days, Harry's taken me all over the city. We'd gone to the London Eye, Big Ben, and just around the city in general. The more he showed me, the more I fell in love with it.
It's strange how similar his houses are. Every time I walked into his house, it was like I was back in LA. This morning, we decided to just sit and spend time together before we had to go to the O2. Harry was up before me, so he'd started breakfast. I found him downstairs flipping pancakes on the stove. He'd already set out the berries and coffee for me.
"It's weird waking up to this in an actual house instead of a tour bus," I mumble as I wrap my arms around his torso. "Good morning, babe."
"Morning, Ave. Sleep well?"
"Once we actually went to sleep, yeah."
He smirks and kisses my head. "Good. You passed right out while I was washing up, are you still jet lagged?"
"Not terribly. Just still adjusting, I guess."
He puts the pancakes on a plate and hands them over to me. "Eat up, we're going to the shops once we're done. Ed wants to go out tonight and I'm assuming that you don't have anything to wear for going to a club."
"You would be assuming correctly."
The day kind of flew by after breakfast. We ended up spending way more time than necessary at the shops and had to go straight to the arena once we were done. The place was buzzing when we walked in.
Lou was running around frantically trying to get all set up and I ran over to help her. She ushered me off to find Lux instead, which was fine. I found her in Niall's dressing room, where she was sitting on top of Harry.
"Lux, I can't keep doing this. Your mum will kill me if she finds out."
Harry rolls his eyes and picks her up, tossing her in the air and waiting until the very last moment possible to catch her. I sigh and go over to them, picking her up off of him. She whines but gets over it when she sees who picked her up.
"Her mom will kill you, assuming I don't do it first."
"Shit, mate! You've just lost all chances you had to have kids," Niall laughs. I watch as he throws something at Harry, but I ignore it completely and walk out of the room with Lux.
"Can we play with my toys?"
I carry her into the room where her mom was. Lou shows me where all of her things are and I take Lux over to them and sit on the ground with her. She finds what she wants out of the bag and hands some of her stuff over to me. I play dolls with her, keeping her distracted while Lou finishes getting ready for the boys to come in.
Harry's the first to come in, but he walks right past the makeup chair and comes over to sit with Lux and I. He sits behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me partially into his lap. "Hey babe," he kisses my cheek, giving me a big smile.
"Uncle Harry! Play with us!"
"I can't, Lux. I've only got a few minutes."
She pouts, but moves on quite quickly. I turn and give Harry a quick kiss, which makes a smile grow onto his face.
"I'm really glad you're here, Ave."
"Me too," I smile.
Lux steals my attention away from Harry, but he gets up soon to start getting ready anyway. He gets done with Lou and then heads somewhere else to get changed. Niall comes in soon after, and then Liam and Louis wander in. Niall sits with me for a bit, talking with me until they were all ushered off to get set up with their in-ears. Harry comes in right before they have to start heading to the stage, introducing me to the guard that would be with me during all of the shows that I'll be seeing. Harry kisses me really quick before Liam comes in and drags him away.
I head out with Lou, Lux, and the guard to where we'd be sitting. Gemma, Anne, Robin, Nick, Alexa, and some of Harry's other friends are all in the same section. I sit with Harry's family, since I don't really know any of his friends. Gemma immediately starts a conversation with me and it lasts until the show starts. I couldn't help but notice how proud all of his family members looked as Harry danced around the stage. I was just as proud. Seeing him up on stage with the boys having fun and being able to do what he loves... it's incredible. Even after seeing it over twenty times in a row.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...