The Day We Met

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Hey my name is Nadia and I'm in love with the best guy I ever met. Too bad my parents hate him because he isn't rich like us. My twin brother Adian doesn't really care about how I feel about him. I'm going to tell you how I got where I am today. How I got to the point where I can't turn back no matter what I do. I will walk you through each of the moments that made him mean more to me. Get ready for this story because it is going to be a wild ride. All of this started about 2 years ago.

Nadia: hey everyone good morning

Mariah: good morning sweetheart. What all do you need done today for the party.

Nadia: yes my hair and my nails so that it matches my dress

Nick: I don't even like your dress it shows too much

Mariah: no it doesn't her dress is very cute

Aidan: dad when am I going to get my haircut

Nick: in a little while you and I are going to go do that and other stuff

Adian: ok let me go get ready

Mariah: anyway breakfast is done let's sit and eat

Nadia: can Sam come to the party

Mariah: sure (eats) if her parents say it's ok

Nick: her parents are coming

Nadia: great I'll be back (runs upstairs and calls Sam) Hey

Sam: hey what are you doing?

Nadia: nothing about to go get my nails and hair done

Sam: so can I go

Nadia: yea and you parents are coming

Sam: I know they didn't know if kids were allowed

Nadia: ok but shopping tomorrow

Sam: yes of course

Nadia: great I'll see you tonight bye

Sam: bye bestie (hang up phone)

Aidan: mom said hurry up and get ready. Dad and I are going to drop you guys off at the hair salon.

Nadia: ok bye (showers and put on a pair of flared jean, white tank top, biker jacket in camo print and Jordan 13's. Then you run downstairs) I'm ready

Nick: your mom beat you by about 30 seconds.

Aida: you guys take forever

Nadia: shut up and lets go

Mariah: I like the way you think

Nick: ok let's go (gets in and car and starts to drive)

Nadia: dad when will I be old enough to have a boy friend

Nick: in a couple more years

Nadia: not fair all my friends are either dating or already had a boyfriend

Nick: life isn't fair. I don't care about all your other friends any way

Mariah: come on Nick let the girl date she Is old enough to drive

Nick: with an adult so maybe she should date with us.

Aidan: it doesn't even matter dad. No guy will ever date her

Nadia: shut up Aidan before I hurt you ok

Mariah: stop arguing you two. Let's go Nadia and we will see you two in about an hour (kisses Nick goodbye and walks into the hair salon.)

After my mom and I get our hair done we go get our nails done. Then of course my dad and brother come pick us up. I hurry up to take a shower. By the way I have my own bathroom. I put on an Elizabeth Silver Jacquard Evening Dress and patent ballet flats. I had studs in all four of my holes and a nice neat bun. Even though it's my party I must look the best. Anyway back to the party and everything else. When all four of us are done getting dressed we all go to place the party is being held. That is where I meet Sam at.

Aidan: hey beautiful

Sam: hi Aidan great party and you look nice

Aidan: you look way better (winks)

Nadia: bye

Aidan: we going over there (points near the waiters)

Aidan: to flirt

Sam: yea why not

~ 3 Hours Later ~

Nadia: (walks towards kitchen) this party is great

Sam: only if there was cuter boys

Nadia: my parents parties not mine Waiter: (bumps into you)

Nadia: no way (wipes dress)

Waiter: (picks up tray and looks at you)

And that was the first time we laid eyes on each other. I was stuck in his eyes for a second he kept repeating "are you okay" and "I'm really sorry." I didn't hear none of that at first his eyes were Hazel and gorgeous looking.

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