chapter 1

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"y/n!" you turn around to see Jc and Kian. "Kian, Jc ! what are you two doing here?" you ask  "we've got some good news for you."(you three have been friends for years and didn't know what to expect) "ok hit me" you said. suddenly Kian lightly hits your arm but it still hurts "oww why did you do that?" you ask Kian, "cause you said hit me" he replies "i didn't mean it like that". you thought that they would never tell you when Jc finally says "ok o2l have sent us down here (Australia your home) to ask you if you wanted to join" "join what?" you question him. "o2l" he says "really!" you say shocked "yes" Kian says "Y/N!" Jc yells, but you couldn't hear him cause you were too busy thinking bout the conversation you guys just had. "Y/N!" he yells again but this time you hear him, "yes" you reply "do you want to be a part of o2l with the rest of us?" Kian says "is this a joke" you say "no we're serious do you wanna join us?" "yes, yes and let me  think yes!" "ok well I think that's settled, do you wanna go get some taco bell?" Kian asks. "umm Kian" you say "remember we're in Australia we don't have taco bell" "oh" kian says sadly "well do you have McDonalds?" he asks "we do have that now lets go!" Kian suddenly looks a lot happier and Jc follows and talks to you guys while riding to macca's on penny boards.

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