Undiscovered Parts of the Forest

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There was a loner that cared about herself and nobody else. Her life was hard, because she was selfish. It was only soon that she'd learned to not be so selfish with the help of some strangers she met in the forest. Her story is on how she learned to not be selfish...

Chapter 1

Meeting a Forest Stranger

I'm just walking in the forest like usual. Nothing is new but not always will it be promise to be the same. "Nothing is strange!" I blurted aloud as a strange forest folk came upon my walking path.
"Oh, really? Well, you're surely strange to me." The stranger said slightly above a normal talking voice.
I stared at the stranger in confusion as I begin to speak, "I thought I explored every inch of this forest?"
"Well, it seems you haven't." The stranger stared back.
Should I have said that? I thought that maybe I shouldn't, because the stranger was a stranger, and I don't know how they could react to a simple reply clearly showing not caring much to what said.
"Are you selfish... I mean... a loner?" The stranger said when I finished my thoughts.
"How'd you guess I'm a loner?"
"Most loners I've met are selfish."
I stared. Does this stranger think maybe all loners are self-? I thought out loud, "Um...? Did you mishear me? I said most not all.
Oh no. I said that out loud. I quickly muttered, "I didn't mean to say that out loud, and sorry, I misunderstood you."
"I don't know why I'm talking to you."
"Me, too."
"Bye." The stranger started to walk away from my path and vanished into the shadows and green of the forest.
Could we be friends? Loners aren't suppose to have friends though... Well, he could be an exception, right? Right now I need to sleep... FLOP! I fell asleep right after my thought of sleep.
Moonlight seeped through the overhanging trees, searching for an opening space to look in at the sleeping forest. Creatures of all kinds in the forest slept soundly in the shade the forest gave. It was a full moon today, for tomorrow will be spent on searching for that stranger I met... soon to be called a stranger no more. My life will be changed forever if I be friends with that stranger. I just know it, and I want my life changed forever for a good reason.

Chapter 2

Today is my Friend, Yesterday's a Stranger

I had nightmares just before I woke up with sunlight hitting my sleeping eyes. I remembered when I woke up: Today is my friend. I stood up on all four only to stretch and start my search, but before my search, I will have my breakfast first. I sucked in all the scents near me and smelled a rabbit that hopped by earlier as well... last night's encounter with that stranger. I sniffed again to smell a deer that was not far off, so I sniffed out its trail to lead to two antlers behind a berry bush. It lifted its huge branch-like antlers and stared at me waiting for me to attack it from the front so it can throw me against a tree only to kill me by the throat, but instead I ran behind it quickly to be able to attack without threat. I killed it with skill and started digging into its juicy meat tearing it piece by piece until all was left was inedible meat and bones. I must have gain at least 5 pounds by eating that deer, but my weight was just 1 pound above my weight before I ate that deer. Now to search, I thought as I ran to the place I last scented the stranger to sniff out a scent trail, and when the stranger turned around surprised, I knew I had to answer why I was searching for him.
"I followed your scent trail, because I want to be friends with you." But because I don't know how friends are I'm not so sure of getting a yes from you, I wanted to say.
He stared, "Um... okay? And?"
It sounded like when he said "and" that he had read my thoughts, but he couldn't. It might have been my facial expression. "Uh... Well, I've never had a friend."
"I would be your first friend?"
It seemed he was holding onto my words and thinking about my words. I wonder what he could be thinking. Could he possibly think we could be friends, enemies, or more than best friends? I blushed at the thought of being more than best friends and wished I could read his every thought... not every thought, but the thoughts that were about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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