Well I feel it is important for me to state my point of view, of conspiracies upon the world that for sure will affect me and you.
Now some of you may sit and listen and keep an open mind, whilst other's sit and laugh at me and say things that are unkind.
So let's start with the government, are all you people blind?
They say that a 'NEW WORLD ORDER' will give us peace of mind.
Well don't be fooled and don't be ruled by these fake imposters standing there, don't let them get inside your mind, cos they sure as he'll don't care.Brainwashing is what I call it, but of a different kind.
You see some of these top officials have had their thought process re-trained too, so that they think that it's normal to inflict torture on people such as me and you.I will also help make you aware of the technology that's now in use, radio transmitter signals are part of their abuse.
Microwave technology, is a what they like to use, to transmit signals to your brain to change your thoughts and views.
My, oh my before you know it, brainwashed is what you'll be, and serving time for doing crime will definitely be upon thee.
Here's just a few crimes that they may have you do, there's... TERRORISM, ROBBERIES, SHOOTINGS and RAPES, and by far there's so many more they could have you commit.
So if some of you still don't believe or trust in what I say, I really do hope your prepared for what fate will throw your way.
For in the Bible it does say what Christ wants us all to know, it gives us warnings that are already starting to happen and be true.One of these warnings I know for sure is the 'MARKING OF THE BEAST'.
I do believe this will be a microchip placed beneath your skin, to monitor your every move and spy on you within.Radio Frequency Identification, another technical term they'll use, and just another item that they can use to Abuse.
So now you've all be warned of this, so please do not accept, for this mark is the beast and you'll end up living with regret.
So when it comes about that we must all have this done, I'll be telling them to up and off, and with my children I will run.
I know that there's some of you who think I've completely lost my mind, but I don't care I am no fool and I'm certainly not blind!!!!God Bless You All.
PoetryI think this piece of work just about sums up some of the things which are going off all around the world. hope you all enjoy.