When You First Meet [Rewritten]

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You had always loved nature, just walking through the forest on a calm and peaceful day was the most relaxing thing you could think to do. Though for some reason, today's walk didn't feel as relaxing as is usually did, instead you found yourself shivering and constantly looking all around you as you walked down the trail. The feeling of someone watching you was fresh in your mind as you couldn't help but fearfully stare at the trees, waiting to spot movement or someone peeking out at you. But, instead, you were met with nothing but silence as the forest looked like it always had. 'Must just be my imagination than' you sighed, body relaxing a little as you tried to put all your attention on the walk.

Though, not ten minutes later were you met with a slight throb in your skull as the sound of static started to fill your ears and drown out the few sounds of nature that you had been hearing all day. Your ears ringed as you clutched your head and let your face scrunch up into a look of discomfort. Your knees strangely felt weak and it wasn't long until they caved in underneath you. You felt a whimper slip through your lips as the sound of static seemed to get louder and louder while black dots started to appear in your vision that was starting to blur. Shakily looking up, you couldn't help but cry out as the movement caused a sharp pain to shoot through your skull, but through your blurred vision you could barely make out the shape of a man standing before you.

He was a blurred mixture of black and white and seemed almost as tall as the trees themselves, you could barely make out the suit he was wearing, but other than that everything else just looked like a smudge of colors all blurring and mixing together. Another low whimper slipped past your lips as the sound of static had started to sound unbearable until suddenly everything grew silent and the man was no longer in front of you. Almost like a ghost, he simply vanished into thin air, leaving you there alone on the ground. Your vision slowly started to clear, and you hesitantly pushed yourself up onto shaky legs before slowly stumbling down the trail—attempting to keep your balance as you started to make your way home.

Jeff the Killer:

You were an insomniac, it was as simple as can be that sleep was nothing but a challenge to you. Tonight was no different as you found yourself twisting and turning from side to side on your bed, trying to find a comfortable way to lay. Instead, you groaned in annoyance and threw the covers off in a fit of frustration. Sitting up, you threw your legs over the side of the bed and stormed out of your room and into the hallway of your silent home. The coldness of the wooden floorboards nipping at the soles of your feet and causing you to shiver with every step.

Both your parents were away on an urgent business trip, leaving you to care for yourself and the house, it was nights like these that you noticed just how big and empty this house truly was as you descended the creaky steps. Listening to each groan and moan that left their wooden surface until you finally reached the bottom and turned into the kitchen. The second you flipped the light switch, you hissed at the sudden brightness that attacked your eyes and made you want to draw back into the safety of the dark living room behind you. But instead, you stood still, rapidly blinking your eyes until they adjusted before finally trudging further into the room. You didn't bother being silent as you gathered what you need, rummaging through the cabinets until you had gotten what you wanted—a plastic cup and your bottle of sleeping medication.

You lazily leaned over the kitchen sink and filled the plastic cup up halfway before turning the faucet off. You stood there for a few seconds, staring over at the orange pill bottle that sat innocently on the countertop, you hated the taste that the medication left behind, but knew it couldn't be helped. Getting the required two white capsules from the bottle and placing it back in its rightful place in the medication cabinet beside the sink, you made your way back to your room. Pills clutched in one hand and a glass of water clutched in the other, you flipped the kitchen lights off behind you and once again encased the whole house in darkness. You went up the creaky steps once more and down the hallway before stopping at your bedroom doorway, looking at the opened window that was allowing the autumn wind to blow your curtains about.

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