My fingers dance across the keys
They jump from key to chord
Oh the beautiful sound it plays
I don't think I'll ever get bored.Sound playing out
Such sweetness in every note.
Maybe in the future I can say
They love a song I'll have wrote.A song as great as Bach's
Or maybe even Beethoven.
A song full of elegance
Each chord carefully woven.A song like Fur Elise.
One that everyone knows.
A hit so big it'll be played
And enjoyed at all the shows.I wondered if I'll ever make it
As big as Carnegie Hall.
Or if I'll end up small
Playing at the local mall.Wherever I end up playing
It doesn't matter where
As long as I hear those graceful notes
Dancing through the air.Oh such great noise
That springs out of a Baby Grand
Maybe one day,
I'll be able to say,
That the sound was produced by my hands.But for now I keep practicing
I won't make it big over night
But when I do I'll be sure to thank
This piano for giving me life.