Sayy No More

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Sayy No More !

Nw Payy Attention ! Maa nme isz Joel . I am 15 nd kahnt lie , i am one sexc fella . I am mixed race .I hav soft long bushy hair , soft pink lipsz nd greyiish blue eyesz . I am half Phili and half St . Vincentsz . My body isz immaculate , six pack nd musclesz yoo dunno bwt derm flexesz . Myy swagg isz alwayysz orn point , kahnt flop . I live in south london nd neva roll orn ma jsz . I go secondary , aiint gunna lie deressz sum boomies . I aiint gt a wifey , dun wanna b tied dwn juh yet specially wen deresz so manyy sketsz owt .

Todayy wasz first dayy bck from holidays . Holidayysz wasz mad . I went St.vincent fow three weeksz dern wen i kame bck south wasz mad . Shubziin , beef , lash nd dashes .Dun geht me rong i hav had a wifeysz buh it aiint lasted lng gemme.

Nywayysz itsz like 7;00 nd ive washe nd nw im puttin orn maa buttahsz uni buh mahnsz noesz hw to mek it presentable gemme . I cream mahself nd spray sum lynx chocolate gemme . I tek ma whyte shirt no creases nd put it orn . I put orn ma trousers , yess im weariin boxersz . Tek sum fresh blck socksz put erm orn . Put orn ma fresh kickersz size 11 . Yess mahnsz gt da big tiingsz dere . I tek ma blue nd whyte tie , tie daht round than gt ma blue jumper nd put it orn . Byyy tha wayy ma uniform isz dark blue . Chec maa self in tha mirror , maa hair wasz cainrowed all back . Jheeeeesz i noe ama gt derm staresz from gurlsz sayiin ' kum hlla at me ' . I put orn ma just do it bag , thaa black one nd maa jd side bag wiif maa pe kit .

I sayy byeh to ma mum , maa dad wasz in St. vincent fow a month styll . I left maa house nd started walkiin to tha bus stop .

Dont run barber boyy dont run (8)...maa fone..

'' kool bbesz '' i sed slyly too sum hoe . She wasznt all daht buh she wasz a good sex .'' yeaa , yoo kummin school '' . '' yeaa whyy wouldnt i be '' .'' juh gttin horny ini ''..see wort i mean hoe .''kayy ima be der in a miin , yoo gt condomsz ''.'' yea ''. see evern i wernt prepared shyt .''ight hlla at yoo lata ''.''bye sexc''.'' yeaa byeh '' . i hanged urp . I walked to tha bus stop nd saw maa maiin mahnsz . Joshua nd Sammy . Sammy wasz wiif hysz chiick called suzanne . Everyone fucked disz gurl evern me n josh buh kant lie she calmed dwn ever siince er n sammy had a tiing goiin. She was Dark skiinned , she wasz sexc truss , she had a png figure ,big bum niice breast nd a niice smile.

''kool ''.''yeaa bruvsz''..sammy sed , i gve hym nd joshua spud nd suzanne a hug .''deresz our bus''..she smiled sweetly .''kum''.Joshua ordered. we jumped orn tha busz nd saw sum boomtiingsz daht went to our school. I nuu three orf them nd fucked ermm all . One called Bianca , she wasz whiite boi she wasz a hoe . She fucked me nd Josh nd cuple uda mahnsz at der sme tyme nd we lined urp bruvsz she did give good headsz . I knoe ma piece wasz satisfied. ''kool Joel''.she smiled pervytiish.''yh kl''.. i sat dwn nd she kame nex to me . Honestly i didnt wanna be seen wiif her , she wasz too baytee nd nrt in a good way . '' so yoo wanna kum my yard afta school''.''naa im busy ''. ised lookiin at husz kummin up tha stairsz. ''Joel kahn.....''.. I wernt listenin i wasz focused orn sum beautiful chiick kummin up tha stairsz .

I ght urp from were i wasz seated nd Bianca watched me carefully . Dere uda gurlsz watched me at first buh juh turned there hedsz. I walked urp to tha gurl nd smiled daht sweet boy smile.'' excuse me''. she looked at me buh turned er head . I sat nex to er n tapped er on her shoulder.''do yoo mind''..she sed


Than i clocked it wasz my stop nd everyone wasz gttin orf . I qwickly gt urp nd ran dwn tha stairsz she followed. I than clocked she wasz weariin our uniform she muss be nuu. I walked up too er '' kahn i hlla at yoo fow a min ''. Joshua nd derm walked into school leaviin usz behind.''Wort yoo want''.''kahn i gt yoor digitsz''.''wort fow''..I liked it wen gurlsz respected derm selves nd she did.''too hlla nd gt to noe yoo ini''.''i aiint orn fuckiin if yaa wonderiin''.'naah i aiint''.nd to tell tha truth i wernt .'' fine 079******''.''kool''. We walked into school nd i brought her to tha office.I went orf into Form nd saw Joshua flirtiin wiif Bianca . I sat dwn nd saw Latiika , der gurl hu called me befow. She screwed me dern walked ova . She sat dwn buh i wernt payiin much attention i wasz still finkin bwt daht gurl . I need to noe er name plusz maa fone book looked dodgey wiif sexc unda er numba ini . '' hu wasz dat gurl''..she qwestioned.''wort gurl''.i screwed.''dere one yoo wasz walkin in school wiif ''. 'dunna she nuu''. ''oh skn''.''why yoo in maa business nywayy''.''im yoor wifey i fiink i hav a rite to noe''..i juh clocked she sed wifey.''naa yoor nrt maa wifey siince wen''.''buh we lashed''.''so ive lashed gurls befow dun mean we was doiin a ting''.She gt urp nd ran owt tha class. I fink she wasz criyiin . '' were are yoo goiin latiika''..dere teacher showted. No one answered dey juh continued orn doiin der tiing .'' sir kahn i go toilet''.i showted.''Yess Joel be qwiik''.''yeaa walleva''.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2009 ⏰

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