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Hi, my name is Morgan. Today my dad and I are moving into our new house. I am deathly afraid of spiders and our old house was infested. On the outside, inside, everywhere. You would think after living with them for 10 years, I would get used to them. But that just made it way worse. It got so bad, we had to move.

The house we're moving into is fairly new. It's said to be insect-free. I'm super excited. The movers move all of our furniture into the one-story house. Right now it's noon. My dad helped put all of my furniture in my new room first. This house has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One bathroom is in my room. Awesome.

We put my bed on the far left wall, the desk on the wall next to it, and the dresser on the wall across from the bed. We hang my TV above the dresser and I set my things on top of the desk, bed-side table, and dresser. I put my clothes away in my dresser and walk-in closet. I set up my toiletries in my bathroom. Once I finish, it's already 10 o'clock.

I check on my dad; the living room, kitchen, dining room, and his bedroom are all finished. He's fast at getting things done. He just has the bathrooms to do tomorrow. He's already fast asleep. I understand why. I kiss his forehead and skip off to my room. I climb into bed and turn off the lights. I turn around toward the bed-side table and notice something I didn't before.

I must've been working so hard I didn't even notice this. How did I not notice this?

I turn on the lights and I walk over to the walk. There was a small black dot on the wall. I couldn't tell if it was a hole or just a dot. My finger is too fat to fit in it. There was also a long black line coming from the black dot. I run my hand across it. Must be a crack. Oh well, I'll cover it up once I can go to the store to buy some more wall decorations. I go back to sleep.


I wake up around 10 a.m. and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I see we have no groceries and then I see the note.

Went out to get groceries, be back soon.

So I'll wait on breakfast then. I decide to go back to my room and get showered and dressed. When I walk out of my bathroom, I notice something. The crack on the wall seems longer. This house is supposed to be new, and the wall is cracking. I'll have dad look at it later.

I hear the door open and shut again. I dash out to see my dad, struggling with the groceries. I help him and he starts unloading the fresh groceries into the fridge and pantry. Once we are finished, I start making breakfast.

My dad sits at the table with the newspaper as I prepare the bacon, eggs, sausage, and bagels. I grab two glasses and the orange juice and put them on the table. I distribute the bacon, eggs, and sausage onto two plates and set them on the table. I grab the napkins and forks and set them down next to the plates. The bagels pop up and I butter them and set them on the plates.

"Dig in!" I say happily to my dad and we eat.


After breakfast, my dad leaves for his new job interview. He dresses in his suit, tie, and dress shoes. He slicks back his hair and puts in his contacts for once. A little piece of hair sticks out of formation so I lick my finger and slick it back.

"How do I look?" He asks.

"Snazzy." I answer.

"Good. Wish me luck!" He yells as he walks out the door.

"Luck!" I yell back.

That's our thing. When one of us needs good luck, the other yells luck. We take the saying way too literally. I go back to my room to check out the crack. I walk up to it and it has another crack opposite the other one.

"Oh no! It's getting worse." I grab my wallet and key and walk out the front door.

I lock the door and walk down the street to the store. After about 20 minutes I come upon a strip of stores. One says antique finds and through the window I see some wall decor. I love antiques. I walk in and a little bell on the door rings as the door opens and shuts. I browse and find a round mirror with a gold and silver frame around it. It's on sale for only 20 dollars. I buy it and the clerk wraps it in bubble wrap. He puts it in a bag and hands it to me. I give him 20 dollars and I say thank you. He smiles and waves as I leave. I walk home and set my wallet down in my room. I unwrap the mirror and set it on my bed. I grab the nails and hammer from the garage and bring them into my room. I gasp in shock when I see a third long crack right next to the first. I quickly take the nail and place it just above the hole. I hammer it in and grab the mirror. I hang up the mirror and admire it. I see a smudge so I grab some cleanser and a clean rag from the kitchen and walk back to my room. I spray the mirror and rub it clean with the rag. I put the cleanser back and put the rag in the hamper. As I walk back into my room I stop walking when I hear a noise. It sounds like a cracking noise. I rip the mirror off the wall to see a fourth crack.

"What the?"

There must be a problem with the wall. I'll have dad look at it tonight. I go to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich with some chips and a soda and sit on my bed. I stay on my bed with a book on how to get rid of arachnophobia until dinner time.

My dad walks in at 6 and greets me. I keep reading while my dad cooks dinner. At 6:32 my dads call me in for dinner. I feast on the chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas. At around 7, I clean up the dishes and head back to my room.

I decide to check back on the wall and ask my dad about it. I don't even have to take the mirror off to see the cracks. 6 cracks. They've grown past the mirror. Plus the mirror was huge!

I call for my dad. He doesn't reply. I dash off to his room and drag him to my room. I explain the cracks on the way and we dash into my room. I rip the mirror off the wall. But, there were no cracks. None. Only the small black dot.

"What?" I scream.

My dad sighs and walks back to his computer to finish his work. As soon as he leaves, I turn back to the wall and the six cracks are back. A seventh one grows, right before my eyes. It looked so weird. I hang the mirror back up and plop face down on my bed and sob. I don't know what else to do...


I wake up around 8 p.m. to my dad yelling for me. I forgot about the wall for a bit while I chomped down on my dessert-chocolate cake. I help clean up and give my dad a hug goodnight. I'm smiling as I walk into my room. I stop dead in my path and my smile fades as I stare at the bare wall. My mirror is laying on the floor. There are 8 cracks now, and the small black dot is a big black dot. It's big enough to fit my whole hand in it. But there is no way I'm sticking my hand in that. I hang the mirror back up and cuddle into bed.


I'm jolted awake by the sound of glass breaking. I gasp in fright at the sound of it. I look down at the floor and see the mirror shattered on the floor. I turn on the light and get out of bed. The nail is attached to a piece of the mirror.

The nail must've fallen out. Everything's okay.

I thought everything was okay.

First, I step on a piece of glass. As I'm getting it out with my tweezers, I hear another cracking noise but it's way louder. I grab ahold of the glass in my foot so I don't look back at the wall. I pull the glass out and put it in the trash can with all the other glass I scooped up. I put a bandaid on it and dip my tweezers into the candle to clean it. I turn around and see the wall. The hole is huge and most of the wall is on the floor. The hole has to be at least 10 feet wide! I look above the hole and notice something. It's a spider web, a huge, thick spider web. I gulp as I turn around and look up above my bed. Hanging by the huge web, above my bed, hangs a ten foot long spider.



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