Chapter One

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What if you woke up to a bunch of red-eyed teary people staring at you? What if they gave you hugs and called you Riley? Would you be confused? That's how she felt. Completely and utterly confused.
Riley's P.O.V.
I'm overwhelmed by hugs as I stretch and yawn. I immediately stiffen. Who are these people? "Oh my gosh, Riley!" An older woman says. She pauses and gulps down tears before continuing,"I-I thought-I mean we thought we'd lost you. Your heart wasn't beating for two whole seconds!" Tears stream down her wrinkled face as she sobs. "Riley.." Someone says and I turn my head. A young lady who looks like the older one-except younger- mumbles,"She doesn't remember. I can see it in her eyes." The older one suddenly puts her hands on my shoulders and stares at me so suddenly, it scared me. Peering into my eyes, she puts her soft hands onto my face sobbing,"This-this can't be true! You remember me, right Riley? RIGHT?" She starts sobbing hysterically hugging me as I back up against the room's wall, the cold metal bars digging into my hand. An old man- perhaps her husband- gently peels her off of me. He comfortingly pats her shoulder before asking me softly,"You really don't remember, do you?" He grimaces as I shake my head no.

"So, let's start with introductions." He states smiling warmly. Gesturing to his wife, he says,"This is Evelyn Cooper, your mother. Over there's your sister, Emma." He points at the "young" version of my mother. He then moves his finger to a handsome man alone in the corner sitting on a stool. "He's.." He pauses and scratches his arm. "Um, I don't know how to put this but: he's your boyfriend, Alec." I don't know why, but I just burst into tears. All these people care about me, even if I didn't remember them. "I'm sorry." I apologize. Smiling, he says,"It's fine. That boy next to you, he's Jeremy, your brother." I turn my head and shriek. A guy who looks 14 stares at me with intense green eyes. Freckles scatter on his cheeks and nose. Grinning, he says,"Works every time!"

Placing my hand on my chest I try to calm myself. Jeremy holds out his hand while I attempt to shake it. But he quickly pulls it away at the last second and snickers in my face. His breath smells like hamburgers. As if on que, my stomach growls and I groan. "Oh yes!" The old man exclaims suddenly."My name's Griffin! I'm your father. Your full name is Riley Hope Cooper." "Riley.." I said. The name felt foreign on my tounge.

I stare at Alec as he shifts uncomfortably. What should I do about our relationship? "Dad...?" I ask. Woah, that was weird. Smiling, he looks at me and says,"You called?" "U-um." I stutter. "Do I have any pets?" Dad chuckles,"Well, you do ha-" but he is cut off by Alec who says,"You have a Golden Retriever named Sunny, your favorite color is turquoise, you adore penguins, your favorite fruit is a watermelon, your favorite food is tacos, and you love art." I'm in shock that he said that in one breath. Then, it dawned on me. He knows more about me than I do myself. "I-I'm sorry." I mumble, tears blurring my eyes. Hot years stream down my face as I silently cry. "Give her a moment," Emma whispers, thinking I couldn't hear her but I could. Footsteps echo through the room as the door closes with a creak. I didn't realize Alec was still in the room until he walks up to the bed and holds my face in his hands. Brushing my tears out of my eyes, he mumbles something incoherently. "What did you say..?" I whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment. "I SAID YOU TWO ARE THE SAME, OKAY?" He suddenly yells as I jump in surprise. Alec's eyes immediately soften as they meet mine. "Sorry, Riley. I'm so sorry." He mumbles, resting his forehead on mine. "You are both the same person. Let's start over. I'll wait as long as it takes for you to remember me. We can fall in love all over again. I'll wait for you. Always." Tears well in my eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear,"Okay. Let's do it." Together...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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