The Warnings

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The lights flickered on and off in the the tenebrous room. I abruptly jolted my head from the desk it had been on and opened my eyes. That made no difference, it was pitch-black.
Without warning, I heard a faint echo of a voice. It was a girl, all too familiar to my ears. A sigh of relief escaped me as I realized who it was, only to come out as a muffled whisper,

"My god!"

Jill walked into the room and switched the lights, a smile spread across her bloodied face.

"Hello, Mother," she giggled.

~Seven Years Earlier~

Heels clicked down the halls of Kildian Obstetrics Hospital , mine among them. It was an unusually busy day. Most expecting mothers delivered earlier in the day, but now at 7:23 p.m.; the hospital was practically over crowded. I knew it would be a late night, but I didn't know that it would be so mentally challenging.

The first time I saw Lizabeth Thatius, she was laying in a hospital bed; room 423. I was called there on account of an extended labor, something very common in the day to day job as an Obstetrician.

I walked into the room with a bright smile and a composed mind set, get the mother relaxed, then the baby delivered,

"Hello ma'am. I am Dr.Mills and I will be helping you today!"

The woman immediately responded with a sigh,

"That is what they all said. Can you please just hurry this process along!" She snapped.

On that remark I gave a slight nod to the woman and to my nurse, signaling for her to grab some  ice chips from the nearby cafeteria.

I then marched towards the woman's bed. At the time; she was dilated about 3 cm, not enough to begin delivery.
The nurse returned with the ice and handed it to the woman. With the nurse there to watch Liz, I made a swift exit and headed towards the receptionist's desk to see what other patients I had for the night.
Time drifted by as I worked, occasionally checking on Lizabeth whenever I had a free moment. After about three hours, I walked into the room again; only to find the patient peacefully sleeping. I walked out of the room and started to gather my coat and purse to make a quick run. Without warning I heard a piercing scream.

     I yelled out for a nurse to follow me to the room.
Knowing that this could be a rserious emergency, I ran  as fast as I could .  When I entered the room, all I could see was blood. The dark red liquid was splattered everywhere across the room, even on the ceiling. Liz lie there sprawled on the tiled floor, shivering. Her child slid from her frail body and silently lie there as well.

Lizabeth coughed up dark, grotesque blood as she spoke barely above a whisper,

"She is to be named Jillabeth."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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