Chapter one - Moving in I was arriving onto the street Shady River Vally. I was moving into this new house my grandma bought for me,my younger brother,and my dad. My mom died in my old house August 13 , 2010. Today is September 27 , 2010. My dad said he wanted to move out of that house right away. So we did. My mom died of a murder unknown. My dad does'nt like talking about it. My brother Dalton was sitting in the back seat of my dads car. Dalton is my 13 year old brother. " Dad are we here?". I said looking out the window of the car. The moving truck was Behind us. " Yes , look over there on the right." Dad said with a smile looking over. I looked were my dad was gazing . It was a One story white house. My dad pulled in the driveway. And the moving truck pulled in behind us.
I looked out my window and saw a guy looking at my house. I got out of the car and then i looked at him and he waved but i did'nt wave back because i was to afraid. Dalton unpacked the car and dad was talking to the guy in the moving van. Then it was that guy across the street and came up to me. " Hey whats up , I'm Ash. He said glowing with his beautiful hazel eyes. " Hi". I said kind of shy looking into his eyes . " I'm Jordan." " Welcome to the neighborhood." He said . I looked around to think of something to say. But nothing was coming into my head. After 10 Seconds of waiting he said something finally. " Well i got to go. We should hang out sometime. " He said when he flipped his hair. " Yeah that would be cool .Later ." I said trying to end the conversation fast. " Bye." He said with his eyes glowing still getting my attention. His eyes were truly Beautiful. He ran back to his house and I kept thinking to myself as i got my things and brought them to the porch if he was all who i thought he was. A sweet best friend who could be with me in the happy and sad times.
"Hey dad should put the things on the porch?" Dalton said holding everything at once. Dalton really could be stupid and dumb. But he makes me laugh constantly. But he is a normal brother. You know the ones that are obnoxious . My dad nodded to him . " Jordan , can u help me carry this stuff? " But i walked away laughing. I saw all the furniture unloading from the truck . I was sad when i had to leave all my friends in Minnesota. But now living in Michigan wasn't so bad. But it was cold here. My dad and the worker brung in the couch in the house after my dad unlocked the front door. Me and Dalton walked in behind them with our things. The house looked new and house a normal teen would live in. So i didn't mind the house at all. The carpets were Bright yellow and the walls were Painted white. My dad put the couch down in the living room. I walked down the hallway and on my way i saw the pretty Kitchen. I went in the first room on the left and the carpet was pink . And the walls were Lime green wallpaper with Pink polka dots. I actually knew that my dad did some work on the house before we moved out of the old one. And my dresser was here in here too. Dalton ran down the hallway and he had the room across from mine. Even though he looked tempted to get dad's room. " Awesome Dad thanks!! " Dalton yelled . I went back outside to get the rest of my things.
It was that night and my dad ordered Pizza. We were all sitting at the table eating and talking about our Aunt Kate. And how great she is. It was a random thing to talk about when we were talking about school. But i didn't bother because me and Aunt Kate are very close. And she is the closest thing I had to a mother right now. So I think im going to call her every day. " So when will we get started on school ?" I asked looking down at my plate and look back again at dad. " Well I am going to call in on Friday and you can start school Monday." I all ways hated moving schools. But moving schools was the only subject i had of thinking of the bright side of things. Meeting new friends sounded okay. But learning the way around school wasn't a great thing. I think Ash would help me. I think he goes to my school. I went to bed with a relaxing day and thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Yeah well lets just say I think im going to just be outgoing tomorrow. To be continued ~