Chapter 1

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"Are you sure its from Narnia?" Belle asked Professor Kirke. His bright, youthful eyes glanced at her from their sunken in position in his wrinkled face. He slowly nodded his head yes while keeping his steady gaze on her. He puffed once more from his pipe before taking it out if his mouth to answer her properly.

"I do believe so," his voice still had the cadence of a younger man. Belle turned her gaze once more to the leather bound book in her hands. Professor Kirke was left looking at her profile once again. Her amber hair was swept up into a simple chignon but a few waves escaped and fell across her forehead. Her light skin glowed as the afternoon sun filtered through the window in his study accenting the light speckling of freckles across the bridge of her small short nose. Her bows furrowed in thought over her almond shaped eyes. He couldn't see the unique gold color of her eyes but he knew that the afternoon sun would make them glow like an angels halo.

"The cover does depict his likeness very well, but how are you so sure?" Belle finally spoke, turning her face towards him once more. Her eyes glowing like he had predicted; they expressed more knowledge and age than Kirke could ever hope to achieve. They contained something else that it took a moment for him to place. Hope; innocent, child like hope. Surprised at seeing this emotion in the young woman's eyes for the first time the elderly man took a moment to marvel at it. He had found Belle wandering the woods on his property eight years ago. Her clothes would have told him her origin even if he hadn't seen the color of her eyes. The same eyes as Aslan. Professor Kirke had not seen the awe inspiring lion in many years but the moment he saw Belle all those years ago the memories of the lion resurfaced untainted by time. Without hesitation the professor took her into his home and care. At the time she had suffered some sort of shock; it would take him half a year to learn what had caused it. Once hearing of the tragedies that had occurred the stoic gentleman wept. The child, only nine short years at the time, was the daughter of the magnificent lion Aslan and the elf Leona. While Kirke had never known Leona he did know the lore around her; one of the most gentle creatures alive who also was the most lethal, was known for her generosity and beauty. Those who were fortunate to be in her presence even for just a moment were often rendered speechless. Her presence alone was so overwhelming. The only one who didn't fall under the spell of her appearance was Aslan; he was the only one able to see past that with one single glance. He had fallen in love with her pure soul; she had fallen in love with his mind. They were happy in their kingdom, but they knew it wouldn't last; it couldn't last. The forces of fate were at work and Aslan knew that what was to come would not be quick or painless. When it finally did come it was worse than he had ever imagined. The white which came with her winter. The ice and snow seeping up life everywhere its cold fingers touched. So many lives lost; and then the army came. The beasts of nightmares came and destroyed. Much of all that was good in Narnia fell that first day. What was left rose up against the intruders, Leona leading them in battle while Aslan found ways to protect those who couldn't fight or wouldn't fight. Belle was eight at the time. Her bright peaceful world had been shattered and yet she joined her father in his quest. She had inherited her looks, kindness, and fight from her mother but all were tamed by that which she inherited from her father. Most importantly she inherited his wisdom. Often though the qualities she received from her mother would overshadow her fathers wisdom. In this instance though they did not. this combination of her mother and father that was compiled into something altogether different that the two individuals soon became the hope for all who remained in Narnia. It was a heavy task for one so young but her noble parentage had prepared her well. They held strong despite their disadvantage and were able to hold off the evil that continued to threaten them. they held off the inevitable for a year before the White Which broke through their lines and her advance was able to continue undeterred leaving destruction in her path. As the Narnia troops retreated Belle and Leona were captured. The White Witch had exactly what she needed to end the feeble resistance that remained. She wasted no time in concocting the enchantment that would make winter permanent in Narnia all the while brewing up an even stronger curse. Aslan immediately had set out to rescue his family but the enchanted winter slowed him down drastically. The self titled queen took delight in torturing with mother and daughter while Aslan forced his way to them. By the time he finally reached them the White Which had murdered Leona in front of Belle. He was in time though for the White Which to cast her second enchantment; the enchantment that would banish Belle from her father and her home land. It was irreversible. Aslan arrived only to have his child ripped away brutally from him. He only had time to mutter a quick blessing of guidance and protection. It was that blessing that brought her to Professor Kirke.

"Look at the last page of the book," Kirke said after clearing his throat to shake away his thoughts. Belle immediately flicked her expressive eyes towards the book as her slender hands unfolded the spine of the book at the back cover. Turning over the last page her eyes were immediately drawn to the the ink at the bottom of it.

To my dearest Leona

Belle's eyes immediately filled with tears while her fingertips lightly brushed over the elegant handwriting. Her mouth moved as if to speak but no sound escaped. Kirke waited with tears watering his vision but he'd be damned if he let her see any fall. He continued to smoke, filling the room with the sent of tobacco.

"Felt a bit of magic when I picked up the book for the first time. That fact alone had me pretty sure of its origins," Kirke continued after a few moments. Belle's glistening eyes never left the page but she nodded in agreement.

"May I keep it?" Belle asked softly.

"Of course, it is yours by right," Kirke said waving his pipe a little sporadically. Belle started to walk out of the study in a daze. "Belle," Kirke said stopping her exit, "Mrs. Munch will be leaving for the train station soon. The children that are coming; they might wonder at your ears if they see them." Belle's spare hand went to her ears that were covered by her hair. It had been a surprise for her in this world that the signature pointed elf ears were the things of fairytales; and that fairies were considered make believe.

"You know I'm always careful that they are covered."

"I know, I just thought I would remind you. I don't want them to treat you like those little snot nosed boys in the school yard!" Kirke said with venom. He had become fiercely protective of Belle the moment they meet and did not easily forgive anyone who hurt or slighted her in anyway. He was dreading the day she might decide to start dating. At seventeen he knew that could happen any day now. Belle smiled at him shaking her head. She had never understood why he was so protective of her, but it was always touching when it appeared.

"I'll be careful don't worry Uncle," She giggled using her favorite nickname for him. Their cover story for why the professor suddenly had a young girls living with him was that he had taken his orphaned niece in.

"Oh run off and do your hair or whatever it is young girls do these days," he chuckles waving her out of the room. Belle smiles at him one last time before walking out the hall and turning towards the library to indulge in the gift that was her mother's book.

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