Falling For You All Over Again {Editing}

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"Sarah, it's time to wake up!" I shouted from the kitchen. I was making Sarah's favorite breakfast, blueberry pancakes, for her first day of 8th grade.

10 minutes later, Sarah appeared in the kitchen in jean shorts, a pink tank top, and matching pink flip flops.

"Good morning, mom," she said as she sat down at the table.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep last night?" I asked as I set her breakfast in front of her. She was much more interested in her glowing iPhone screen than informing her mom about her sleep habits.


Once Sarah got on the bus, I went upstairs to get ready for my first day at my new job as an assistant at A&M Octone Records. I picked out a professional black dress and red blazer to spice things up a bit.

I grew more anxious by the minute as I drove to the studio. When I arrived, I straightened out my outfit and my long, wavy brown hair.

I checked in at the front desk, and shortly after, a man in a nice black suit approached me. 

"You must be Lena Marks," he said.

"Yes, that's me," I said a bit too enthusiastically.

"I'm Matt Davis. Nice to meet you," he said as he led me into an office and handed me a clipboard.

"So, we have a band coming in today to start writing some material for their next album. You are to respect them and provide them with anything they need for the artistic process. Please respect them and remember, no autographs," he said sternly.

"I won't," I said back. I couldn't risk losing this job; I needed it. Sarah was getting older and raising a teenager cost quite a pretty penny, especially as a single mom.

I followed Matt into one of the larger studio rooms and over to a black leather couch. I looked over the checklist on the clipboard: coffee, snacks, organizing sheet music, and anything else the band requested.

"The band is here," Matt said. I stood up and looked at the door, anxious to know which band I would be serving on my first day. A man with shoulder-length black hair walked in. He looked quite familiar. His name might have been Mark; I'm not quite sure.

The next three men that walked in also looked familiar. Have I see them on TV before? In concert?

As the last member walked in, the realization hit me like a train. These men belonged to the quite famous band, Maroon 5. When I looked up, I saw the front man himself.

Adam Levine.

I stood there, speechless. I couldn't help but stare at him. He looked up and met my gaze. He stopped, frozen, just a few feet away from me. Within seconds, his Starbucks cup slipped from his grip and exploded all over the tile beneath us.

The large splash snapped us both out of our moment.

"Shit, I'm sorry," He said as he bent down to clean up the mess. Matt retrieved a towel from across the room and began to clean up the contents. Adam stood up and threw away the now broken and empty cup. 

His eyes met mine again. I knew he remembered me, and I wish he didn't.


"So, where can I get some coffee?" James asked, cutting through the dead silence of the studio.

"I can get you some," I said. Coffee was one of my cues.

"Great. I'll take plain black please."

"Alright, I'll be right back," I said as I nearly ran to the kitchen area across the building.

As I prepared a mug of plain black for James, I heard footsteps behind me. I figured they had to be someone helping out another band, so I ignored it. Just as I finished pouring James' coffee into a freshly cleaned mug, I turned around to leave.

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