Prologue: Newfound Friendship

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It was uncanny, really, how the two souls melded together as if they were brothers. They barely knew each other, and their personalities were polar opposites. Yet somehow, in the brief moment their eyes met, it was if they knew they were meant to be. Of course, it sounded silly to the little boy, blonde and rambunctious, but there was an undeniable bond between the two. The quiet one of the two, the mature one, had realised it earlier, before the other could get it through his thick skull. Now, this little boy, quiet, but never shy, was intrigued at how oblivious one could be. The two six year olds, Matthias and Lukas, had formed what seemed like a life-long friendship.
Time passed, and the two became closer, relying on one another for comfort whilst their families died, one by one. Matthias was oblivious to the fact that, even though he had said it before, Lukas was the next in line to be the Red King. Matthias had his whole life set out; he'd become a knight! He would fight for his kingdom, and protect the people who had once protected him.
Lukas knew that the two were not going to be so close once they grew up- it was impossible.

"Lukas!" The child shouted, waving his hand rapidly whilst bounding towards the other. Lukas turned his head, smiling softly. He was rather upset today, and the boy could use some cheering up. "Hello, Matthias." Lukas murmured, looking up from the flowers in his tiny fist. Matthias' wild hair stood on ends, defying gravity, and he calmly sat next to his friend. "Hey, you seem sad. What's wrong?" The child asked, genuine concern coming from his words. "Mother was slain." He muttered, tears welling up in his blue-pigmented eyes. Matthias was at a loss for words. Who would do such a thing?! "I'll fight them!" He exclaimed, standing up with such purpose, lifting his head to the sky. "You can't fight your own kingdom, idiot." Lukas sighed, wiping at his eyes quickly. Matthias stared down at the lighter blond, eyes wide. "My... my kingdom." He muttered, feeling more betrayed than ever. Lukas pat the ground next to him, before wrapping one slim, pale arm around Matthias' shoulders. "We'll stay together through this, Matthias, I promise." He muttered, though, even Lukas didn't trust his words.


Hey, how ya doing?
I finally posted a story. Yay me!
I'm all about history, and the medieval times intrest me a lot.
Constructive criticism and comments are muchly appreciated. Tell me if you liked it!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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