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Hello there! I see you've opened The Name Generator. Or stumbled upon...

In this book, you just follow the questions with true answers, and, in the end, see what you are. This could help with character ideas, or just do it for fun.
Please comment, vote, and leave suggestions for me!

(Note: The first few pages are Wings of Fire, so if you don't know what that is, or are uninterested, skip the first few pages.)


1. If you are interested in using this answer, but don't know how to finish the character, comment or PM me! We'll work stuff out - No payment required or anything.

2. Only use the name you got. If you like a name, and want to use it for an OC though, feel free.

3. If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, comment or PM me; I wanna hear feedback: good and bad.

4. Giving credit. It's not mandatory, but if you do say who you got it from, others may come and check it out. More people trying it out, and more motivation for more fun being made.

The Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now