Nerd Girl Wants to be Alone!

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Jayde's POV
"Jayde time to get up!" My dad yelled up from the kitchen. I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to get out of bed. Instead I looked around my room curled up under all my blankets. My room is covered in bookshelves holding various things such as, clothes, and dishes. It mostly held books, and notebooks filled with stories I've written. I turned on the light with the remote that controls my fan. The brightness momentarily blinded me. After my eyes re-adjusted I grabbed my glasses, and stood up to approach my closet. I looked in the mirror that is mounted on the door. My long curly hair fell in a mess on my shoulders, it's a dark brown, with blond tones mixed in. I walked into my closet and grabbed an oversized sweater, a black tank-top to wear underneath, as well as a pair of jeans and my black Converse. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to get breakfast. My dad was cooking pancakes, I smelled them as I walked into the kitchen. I sat at the breakfast counter and he placed a small stack of pancakes in front of me.
"Where-"My dad handed me the chocolate syrup before I finished asking for it. I drizzled it over my pancakes. I began to eat as continued to write in my notebook. I was in the middle of a really intense chapter. Thankfully I noticed the time, if I hadn't I would have missed the bus.
I grabbed my bag and book before I walked out the door.
"Bye Dad!" I called over my shoulder before the door slammed shut behind me. I sat on the ground at my bus stop. I pulled out my notebook and pencil and continued to write. I was the only one at the bus stop that day. I stood as the bus turned the corner. I climbed aboard the bus and sat in the seat by myself. I pulled out my phone and opened Pinterest. Instantly I was greeted by my fandoms. Fandoms and fictional worlds, both mine and others' are my escape from reality.
The bus pulled up to the school and dropped us off. I hopped down off the final step of the bus, hitting the hard blacktop which was starting to steam from the light rain we got last night. There was a slight autumn chill in the air. The fiery colored leaves littered the ground. I smiled as my friend Paisley greeted me at the door.
She had short Blond wavy hair that came just past her shoulders. And her eyes were bright blue. She had a warm smile with naturally bright red lips which contrasted against her pale skin.
"How's your story coming?" She asked eager for the next chapter. I've been writing a story all year. It's about two people in an insane asylum, their love is forbidden. She has been reading my stories and editing them. I pulled the story out of my backpack and handed her my notebook.
"There are a few different ways I ended the chapter, you choose the best one." I explained to her. "I wasn't sure which the best way to write the ending was."
"This is the end? But you've only written 50 chapters!" she exclaimed.
"Yah but you get to choose the ending. Not everyone gets to choose the ending of a story, just authors."
"Good point, thanks." She hesitated before she smiled as we walked to our first hour.
We stopped at our lockers which were conveniently placed directly next to our first hour. I grabbed my books and stuffed them in my bag. Paisley did the same. We walked into calculus together and sat in our desks waiting for the bell to ring and the teacher to quiet the rest of the class down. I clasped my hand over my pendant. It was silver, and in the shape of a quill, supposedly it means something about my future, but the chances of being a world renowned author is pretty slim. My pendant has always been warm, I won't have to look far for my soulmate when my eighteenth birthday comes around.
The teacher finally came into the classroom and I put away the notebook I had been writing in. I slipped it into my bag and pulled out my calculus book and notebook. Yes I love math, but calculus sucks. After what felt like an eternity the bell rang signaling the end of the hour. I rushed to the door off to my next class, and by far my favorite, English.
Reading and writing are my escape from life. So this is my escape from all the horrors that high school bring.
I walked into my English class and sat in my seat. I waved at my teacher Ms. Lee, who offered me a smile in return. She walked over to check on how my story was coming along.
"I'll give it to you to read as soon as Paisley is done reading it over and I fix it, I should have it for you by next week."
Her eyes lit up with excitement, she loves my books and loves to read them to all her other classes. I said she could as long as she kept my name anonymous. I hate attention, I hate everyone looking at me. I prefer to stay the shy girl in the dark corner, not known by anyone.
Class started, and we started by writing about the prompt on the board.
"Write a short story from the point of view of an inanimate object." I immediately grabbed my notebook from my bag and started writing a story from the point of view of a pencil, being dropped, traded, shoved into a pencil case ground down to become sharper, and then, snapped. Ms. Lee gave us about half of the class period for this prompt. There are a whopping total of six kids in our Honors English class. They are all in my small friend group.
We all had to share ours, so I decided to be the precedent and share mine first. I got a standing ovation from everyone. Paisley shared next, she wrote a story about soda cans, and a great war between Coke and Pepsi.
Next to share was Makenzie. She was tall and had naturally tan skin, and had freckles sprinkled across her face. Her hair was about waist length and perfectly straight, like of you took a flat iron to it, it would do nothing. She wrote a story about a microphone.
After she shared Parker took the podium. Parker had jet black hair that is usually long enough to always be in his face. He swiped his hair out of his beautiful green eyes as he quietly read his story about a stuffed animal. It went from year to year through the development of the child that owned it. As the child grew older it got lonelier and lonelier. It was a depressing, just like the writer himself.
Jacob shared his story after Parker; Jacob has short light brown hair with deep brown eyes. He is short but makes up for it in intelligence. He wrote a story about the sun, it was very educational, and descriptive.
Last to present was Nick. His ginger hair was spiked up in his head with an excessive amount of hair gel. He flashed us his perfectly white teeth, then he started to rattle off a story about a day in the life of his hair gel.
Those are my friends, their weird quirks and all.
"Alright settle down." Ms. Lee called "I need to tell you all about a project." We all shut up. In this class we read and wrote, we didn't stray far from that. Getting a project was big. "Relax it's not going to be that bad. The next unit for everyone is writing." I got excited, I'm great at fiction writing. This is going to be easy, but Ms. Lee wasn't done. "Since we're doing this at the same time as all the other classes I figured we would do this in pairs, and your partner isn't in this classroom." We all gave her confused looks. With an evil smile she continued on, "Your partners are from different hours. Oh and, I already assigned partners, so don't get your Anti-social panties in a twist."
She handed us each papers that had our partners' contact information on it. I looked at my partner's name. Of course it's the most popular guy at school, Anthony James, why me? I raised my hand, "Is there any way we could get our partners switched?"
Ms. Lee gave me a sticky sweet smile, "No." Then she went back to giving us directions.
"You and your partner have to create a small novel. The rest is up to you. All the technical stuff, and all the requirements are on the back of the piece of paper I gave you earlier. There will be a chapter due each week for the rest of the school year." Just as she finished saying that the bell rang. "Contact your partners TONIGHT!!!!! Please?!?!?!" I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.
I walked through the hallways trying not to get run over. I made my way to social studies just trying to forget about what I'm going to have to do tonight. Actually communicating with a normal teenager will be scary. I haven't talked to anybody besides my few friends since my mom died, and I don't want him to expect me to interact more socially. I shuddered at the thought.
A/N-Hey guys! Hope you like the concept of this new story. I wanted it to be just right, so I've been writing this first chapter for about three days.

Just edited this chapter. Fixed some things, so yah...

Stay fantabulous!

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