Both Of You Are Pregnant?

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Sky on the left and Samantha on the right

Sky POV (New)
I'm 16 years old now. But the one thing that scares me is I'm pregnant and I haven't told my parents. Samantha is pregnant too. We went to a party a couple of weeks ago and got pregnant on accident. But me and Samantha are willing to take care of our baby and not get an adoption.

We made a deal years ago when we were about 12. We said "If we ever got pregnant and we are not old enough to we would keep the baby and raise the baby by ourselves if the baby's daddy didn't want to". And we both got rejected so we are doing this with our family.

I have 4 siblings including Samantha.

Skylar is 15. Jaiden and Daniel are both 12 and have the worst types of big mouths. And last is Deshawn he's 11 and is my favorite brother. But I still love my other brothers.

Kaiden is 12 too. Riley is 16 too. And Ryan is 11. Ryan is Riley's little sister. Kaiden has a little sister and she is only 10 years old. Her name is Kayla. She's like a little bundle of joy. Our Aunties and Uncles still live with us.

Today is just a regular day where my mom and dad go to work while we get homeschooled by Grandma Sonya.
Grandma Sonya knows that we are pregnant because she has seen what we have been eating. The cravings are just crazy.

Nasty Cravings:
Peanut Butter and Pickles
Hot Cheetos and Nacho Cheese
Tuna and Cake
Gravy and French Fries
Sardines and Anchovies

Good Cravings:
Cake and Coffee
Donuts and Frappes
Peanut Butter and Crackers
Vanilla Ice Cream and Cookies

We don't eat this everyday because we try to eat healthy like salads. But when we usually just throw it right back up.

Samantha was shaking me because I was asleep so she woke me up out of my thoughts.

"What do you want Sammie?"I asked

Sammie was the nickname I started calling her when we were 10.

"We need to get ready."She said

"It's 8am and Grandma Sonya doesn't get here until 10:30."I said

"We have to eat and I now your craving something right now."She said

"Fine."I said

"But mom and dad are awake so you have to be quiet."She said

We walked to the kitchen and grabbed something that seemed good to us. Then our mom came in and got her coffee and looked at us confused.

"Mom what's wrong?"I asked

"You guys have been eating weird."She said. Then dad came in and got his coffee.

"Seth have Samantha and Sky been eating weird to you?"She asked

"Yeah."He said

"Are the both of you pregnant?"He asked

Me and Samantha just looked at each other scared to death.

"Mom and dad please don't get mad."I said

"Why would you not tell us?"He asked getting mad.

"Because we were afraid this would happen."Samantha said

"Wow so both Grandchildren at the same time."He said

"I'm happy as long as you can keep up with the baby."He said

"Thanks daddy." We said and hugged him.

"How many weeks are you?"He asked

"5 weeks and how did you know that we were weeks pregnant?"We asked

"Because you went to the party 5 weeks ago."He said

"Well I gotta go."He said and grabbed his coffee and his keys.

"Bye Daddy."We said

"Bye."He said

"So now what do we do?"I asked

"We have to wake up all of the little ones."She said

"Ok let's go."I said

We walked all the way upstairs and walked different directions. I walked to Riley,Skylar,Ryan,Kayla's room and she walked to Daniel,Jaiden,Kaiden,and Deshawn's room.

"Baby girl wake up."I said shaking Kayla.

She woke up and knew that we had to get ready for Grandma Sonya. So she walked to the bathroom.

"Ryan wake up."I said shaking her.

She did the same thing as Kayla.

"Skylar wake up."I said shaking her.

She did the same thing too.

Riley was already awake so she just got up and went to the bathroom.

Samantha POV
I walked in the boys room and tried to wake them up but knowing that our dads are basketball players they like to play rough. So I walked to Jaiden about to wake him up but he did yelled something and all the boys started hitting me with their pillows. It was kind of fun but I had to show them who was boss.

"Ok ok boys get ready Grandma Sonya will be here in 1 hour."I said

"Ok."They said and walked to the bathroom.

15 minutes later

Everybody was dressed and all. We had to make breakfast for all of them and it was 10 kids including Sky and I.

"What do you guys want to for breakfast?"I asked

"Eggs,Toast,and Bacon."Skylar said

We were all done with school and homework and ate dinner. Sky,Riley, and I were in 10th grade. Skylar was in 9th grade. Jaiden,Daniel,Kaiden, and Deshawn were in 6th grade. Kayla and Ryan were in 5th grade.

Sky and I were both tired so we went to bed. Our backs and feet were hurting so bad so we went to bed. It was 10pm and we had school again tomorrow.

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