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"Sweetie don't miss me too much okay?" Mum giggled while driving us to the camp.

"Oh I wouldn't" I mumbled under my breath, I read the letter about the camping trip one more time:

Dear Arabella Andrews,

Congratulations you have been excepted into Camp Edwards. As you know this is an all girls camp so you'll be in Cabin 2 with the following 5 girls:

Amy White

Jesse Gills

Brianna Nickels

Lauren Steel

Madison Viera

*Your cabin counsellor is Jasmine Mae.

Our staff is made up of the following 5 boys and 5 girls:

Jasmine Mae

Larissa Brown

Alice Rae

Nicola D'Cruz

Shannon Crista

Jackson Bragg

Harry Styles

Aiden Thomas

Kai Asher

Connor Mislee

You'll be staying in this camp from the 1st of July to the 1st of August. Please bring clothes, essentials and your own needs.

All other information about the camp is provided on the back of this sheet.

Have fun and stay safe!


I was both nervous and excited, mostly excited because I was going to see my best friend - Lauren.

"Honey have you packed in your pads and tampons?"

"Yes mum."

"I'm going to miss you so much, the house is going to be like half of it is missing"

Why is she acting like shes always in the house, I see her like 3 times a week as shes busy with her many boyfriends. My mum is very pretty though she has hazel eyes, brunette hair and a bomb body. But we all have really pretty eyes in our family so I guess that's one thing we're blessed with.


"Okay we're here"

I let out a really deep breath, it sounded like I was holding my breath throughout the trip.

"Give me kisses and hugs" Mum pouted making kissing noises. I wanted to puke but I did give her a little kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.

"You can go now?" I gave her a fake smile and off she went.

I started strolling down the camp as I saw girls around 15-18 ages hugging there parents, I was also amazed by how big the camping area was. I started to walk closer to everyone else when someone put there hands over my eyes.

"Guess" it was a very familiar voice.

"Lauri" That was my little nickname for Lauren.

I felt the weight on my face get lighter as I turned around and gave her a big hug, we squeezed each other and I could hardly breath.

"Oh my god I've missed you and your blue eyes so much" Lauren panted.

"Oh have you now, I missed you too baby" I giggled


Hello everyone and welcome to Camp Edward, I'm your headmaster Mr Davidson and here are the staff that will be helping you around the camp.

As you all know this is an all girls camp and there is a strong rule to not to engage in any relationship with staff, the same goes to the staff. If anything like this happens and you get caught then you will be thrown out of this camp and will never be invited again.

One of the brunette haired, green eyes staff started giggling. I squinted to read the name on his name tag.

Harry Styles

"Is there something funny Harry?" Mr Davidson asked.

All of the girls eyes were on him beaming for attention, you can see their heart popping out their eyes.

"No sir" he smirked.

"Bella" Lauren whispered

"Harry is Mr Davidson's nephew that's why his not very scared of the headmaster like any staff would be, Harry is basically the Bad Boy of this camp capitalising the B's" she quietly explained.

"Ooo I get it"

"Lauren would you please hand out these cards to each camper and staff, you can get someone to help you if you want" Mr Davidson sighed.

"Sure sir, Arabella here you have half"

We started handing out the cards that wrote our cabin names and bed numbers. Each camper had a number and the card would have there number on top, that's how we would know who's card was who's.

My last card was a staff card and I didn't notice that until I looked up, I read all of their numbers and found my matching one. It was the green eyed boy, Harry.

I walked up to him and heard whispers of people insulting a big sized girl I immediately felt sorry for her so I started walking faster.

"Big bo.obs don't count if you're fat" A boy staff was saying to a girl camper. She looked so upset and I wanted to reply so badly.

People started giggling at her weight and mean words started flying across the room and it brought people's attention to her.

"Neither does a big di.ck if half of it is your personality" I whispered to him and rolled my eyes.

"OOOOOH SH.ITTTTTTTTTTT" I heard some campers say.

Campers started cheering for me and others were shocked while staring at me.

Shame he deserves it.

I walked over to Harry and gave his card.

"That was good" he smirked.

"I know, I realised" I looked around at the campers.

"I like you, you're different." he examined me.

"Well too bad you don't even know me" I walked away.

"Yet!" Harry shouted behind me, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"QUIET!" Mr Davidson ordered.

The hall was dead quiet, I could barely hear people breathing.

"Everyone get up and go to your cabins!"


lmao i actually laughed when I wrote the comeback!

but yeah i like how this first chapter is and I died inside when Harry and Arabella started talking shshsnjsj

but sorry the chapter is v short

btw full credit to inthepants about the letter thing because I got the idea from her!!!

- tutku x x x x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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