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It was the 1 st of September and Lucy was already late for the Hogwarts express. She ran across King's Cross with her trolley, stacked with her giant leather trunk and her cat, Isaac, who meowed grumpily in his cage. Her parents, busy working, had left her to catch the train herself for the first time, and she certainly didn't want to disappoint them. Exhausted, she took a deep breath, hoping that the portal hadn't closed, and ran into the wall between platform 9 and 10. She opened her eyes hesitantly, but soon realized that she'd made it. She stared up at the red and golden sign for the Hogwarts express and smiled, she was returning to where she belonged.

She settled down in one of the only empty compartments and took Isaac out of his cage. He immediately climbed out and settled down on her lap.

A girl that Lucy hadn't seen before stumbled in with an anxious expression
"Hiya, do you mind if I sit here?" She asked
"Go ahead." Said Lucy
They sat in silence as the girl waved to her family as the train departed.
"Is this your first year?" Lucy asked
"No it's my second, sorry, my name's Gwen, and I'm Slytherin." She stretched out her small pale hand and shook Lucy's
"Lucy, 5th year, Hufflepuff." She replied

They chatted for a few hours until the train got closer to Hogwarts and Lucy decided to put on her robes. She changed into her newly acquired uniform, a white shirt and yellow tie that sat beneath her grey v-neck jumper. She dusted off her the Hufflepuff crest on her jumper, and smiled, proud of her house.

"I wish I wasn't Slytherin. Everyone just thinks we're all mean" Muttered Gwen
"Well at least people don't expect you to be weak." Said Lucy sadly

The train began to slow down near the large castle, causing great commotion as the other students squealed excitedly. 'This year will be better than the last.' Lucy thought to herself, tightening her tie as she stepped off the train to what was now home again.

Hogwarts 5th yearWhere stories live. Discover now