The Mission.

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As a dragon trainer, it is a must to care for your dragons. But also to go on adventures on different parts of the world that is yet undiscovered. I woke up as my pet dragon snuggled into my face.  I laughed. "Lily get of me." I picked up my little dragon and placed her on my bed. She was still tiny but growing. She was now the size of 6 hands in a row. I smiled as I remembered when I first got her...

Flashback to 5 months ago...
"Now here are your second dragons. Now you need to give it as much care as your first dragon. If you want to take them out of their cage, please be delicate. They are only babies." Then a few woman came in and handed everyone cages. As I got a cage, I was super excited to see what it would be like. I carefully took of the towel, so I would not scare it. I uncovered it and I saw a baby dragon softly sleeping. It was green and had shimmering emerald scales. A Jade Dragon as I concluded. These dragons were capable fast and high-level flying. But it took time to earn these dragons trust to ride them. They were intelligent creatures. The baby slowly opened its eyes and revealed its tiny green eyes. It saw me and quickly backed away. It whimpered. I opened the cage door and stuck my hand in there. The baby, still cautious sniffed my hand. It soon nibbled my fingers. I slightly jumped because I was quite ticklish. I soon realized the baby was okay with me. Dragons are sort of like dogs, but very diffrent. I closed the cage to let the baby sleep. The bell soon ringed and everyone quickly got out. I went to my room and soon decided to call the baby Lily.

Flashback Over.

I sighed. I stared at Lily as I stroked her chin. It was a Saturday. I realized I had nothing to do. I smiled. It was time to visit my old girl. I exited my room and went down my stairs. I passed the Library/Study Room. I opened a door which lead me to the living room. I opened the door and went into the hallway. I was one of the higher level training people so I get a more "deluxe" dorm. I went to the elevator and pressed "Two". I played with my fingers until I heard a Ding. I entered out of the elevator and walked into a gigantic room. The Stables. The Stables were the largest room in the academy. Apart from the training room this place was huge. I looked around the place. A girl came up to me. "Silver! Hey!" I turned around. "Cassie! How are you doing?" "Good! How about you?" "Great! Hey do you know where-" "Willow? She is in the 10th stall. She's gotten bigger. Way bigger." I nodded and thanked Cassie. Time to look for my Winchester dragon. I soon found a stable with a gold plate with engravings saying Willow. Breed- Winchester. I smiled. I unlocked the gate and entered in. I found a huge dragon snoring loudly. I gasped. Cassie wasn't kidding when she said Willow grew. I gently shook Willow head. Willow opened her eyes. They gleamed when they saw me. She snuggled me as I chuckled at her. "I've missed you girl.", I whispered into her ear. Then I heard a buzz on the announcer. Attention all level 5 trainers please come to the teachers room. I gulped. That's me.. I gave Willow a quick kiss on the cheek and headed to the teachers lounge.

I opened the door and entered the room with a couple of other students. I took a seat. I saw the headmistress in the front desk. "So you might be wondering why you are all here.. As all you students heard about the survival test. Each of you are sent in a undiscovered part of the world with a partner. But this year it's different. You have to survive alone. And you are sent back here in exactly 12 months. Now this is usually next year but we changed the scheduling for it to be this year. Now not everyone comes back in.... One piece so we added this flute and all you need to do is play it to get help. Now you will be leaving in the afternoon tomorrow. In your front door-step you will find a package. Further information is there." We all nodded and went to our dorms.

I plopped my butt onto my bed. I opened my package. I saw a flute. The flute caught my attention. This was a silver flute. Silver flutes were used to call dragons. I saw a map and a mini book. I read all of it. It just said where I was going to, what I'm doing and all that stuff. I looked at the back page. Dragon Limit- 2. We can bring dragons! I took Lily's cage. It was big so Lily could still fit in their. I took out a duffle  bag. I filled it with some clothes and a Survival Guide and a Taking care of Dragons in the wild. I filled it with some food and plants. I put in my silver steel bow and quiver full of arrows. I put in some tools such that will help me gather recourses. I zipped my bag closed. The rest of the day I trained Willow and Lily. And that is how my day went.

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