Stars Cry

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The unfathomable depths of the night sky

With the sparkling diamonds that beautify

Withhold the mystery of the galaxies above

As the stars gaze upon their beloved

Envying the adventures that take place

But all the while, preparing for the death embrace.

Because our lives pass with a blink of their eye
So each time they twinkle another of us die

They cry for all the people they knew

On cloudy nights, when they're kept from our view

Their sorrowful tears rain upon the grave plots
As pain ties their stomachs into knots

By then, it'll be the suns turn to shine,

And they'll disappear behind the blue skyline

Praying and hoping that when they wake once more

That the people that they love and adore

Will return to their faraway eyesight

And they will celebrate by dancing bright

And when they emerge after the sunsets

Their sparkling gemstone faucets

Will gaze into the lives of a million

And are surprised to see the ground stained with vermilion

The stars once again will bawl

As more humans are met with their downfall

But hope is not all lost

Because they turn numb with the frost

And can not feel in the cold snow

Emotions are frozen, even the woe

But when spring dances forth once more

Their spirits will rise high and soar

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