You Again?!?

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Four horrible words. Last day of summer. It feels like yesterday school was coming to an end, now it's starting up tomorrow. I just don't want summer to end, ever. So far I can say it has been the best summer. My friends and I lived the summer dream. Went camping, hit the water parks, and made the beach our second home.

Right now I'm waiting for Niall to pick me up. It's tradition that we have a fire at Aria's house first and last day of summer vacation. I'm in charge of marshmallows and sticks. 

It's 5:45 Niall should be here shortly. I run down the dark basement. Each step down the old wooden stairs follows with a creek. We have a pantry full of miscellaneous food in the basement. 

Okay mac and cheese, pasta, STICKS AND MARSHMALLOWS! I bolted up the stairs loud squeaks echoing behind me.

"Zoe!" An Irish voice comes from the other side of the house. ''Hey you almost ready? We have to go" Niall asks. Seeing he is in so much of a hurry, I quickly gather my stuff and rush out the door.

Disney music blast through Niall's speakers. Car rides are always interesting with him. We are half way there and I realized I forgot something.

"FUCK!" I scream. Niall snaps his head towards me and gives me a questioning look. "I forgot my sweat shirt and I never put on pants" I can feel his eyes on my almost bare legs and my tank top. the car pulled over and Niall got out the car. I could hear him mutter dumb ass before the door is slammed.

Sometimes Niall can be short tempered. But it's only around me when he gets REALLY pissy. Sometimes he's angry at me over stupid stuff. I have known him the longest maybe he's just sick of me. My thoughts are interrupted when Niall throws gray fabric at me. I unravel them and see a T-shirt. This will do for now.

"Thanks Nialler." he rolls his eyes and ignores me


Aria- hey watzup girl.

-tbh i wanna jump out of this car


-nialls being pissy

aria-fuck him tf hes always this way with u idk whats his deal is

-we're at Louis's rn be there soon <3

I step out of the car and run into Louis house. I love his house, something about it makes you feel at home. I walk up the stairs that lead to his room. Without knocking I enter his room. Bad idea! There stood a naked Louis.

"I need to borrow sweats." I decide to ignore the fact that he's naked. But I honestly cant stop staring.

"Okay you know where they are" he responds "And stop staring at my ass. I know you want it." He adds. Louis always knows how to make me smile. I rummaged through his neatly folded drawer until I find what I'm looking for. I pull out black Adidas  sweatpants. By now Louis is only without a shirt. I take my shorts off, To change into Louis sweatpants. I can feel his eyes staring at me. "Turn around" I tell demand. He playfully smacked my bum before turning.

"Laced panties I dig it." He says. I can tell he has a ridiculous smirk on his face. But I can't blame him he's just a horny teenager.

My phone vibrates on the hardwood floor making the worst noise ever. I pick it up and see it's from Niall. It probably says to hurry up. I look down at my phone to see I'm correct.

Nialler- you guys can walk to arias.

- give us two sec

Nialler- too late already left

- you shouldnt be texting while driving

"Looks like we are walking to Aria's. Oh and can I borrow a sweat shirt too" I tell Louis with a fake excitement.

"Or we can drive to Aria's in my car, and take whatever you need." I do what he says and grab one of his Adidas sweat shirts following his NASA T-shirt. We walk out of the house into his garage.

Louis doesn't drive his car as much He always carpools with Niall since he only lives down the street. This may have been the 4th time I've been in his car.

"What's Niall's deal?" Oh boy he shouldn't have asked that.

The whole ride there I told him about Niall and how he's been so rude to me. Louis said he's noticed it as well and will talk to him about it. Even though Niall and I have been friends the longest I call tell Louis everything. He's keeps all my secrets and I, his.

Louis pulls into Aria drive way and her German Shepherds start barking up a storm. I run over and greet Liam who is putting the fire together.

"Awe you let her wear your clothes that's cute." Aria's voice comes out of no where. Louis chuckles and I ignore her comment.

Aria's dark brown hair is pulled into a loose ponytail like mine. Aria's hair is a lot darker than mine. Her hair is a dark brown and mine was close to being blonde. She was also wearing similar clothes as I was. She had black leggings and and an Adidas sweat shirt. She only bought it so she can to match Louis.

The night consisted of summer confession, memories, and dreads about the school years. I learned that Liam didn't do his summer reading until today. Aria lost her virginity on the beach with some mystery dude. Niall and Louis got in a fist fight, but they didn't say why.

It was getting late, Louis asked if I would sleepover. His mom and sisters are still out of town and he didn't wanna be home alone. He drove me to my house and I got everything I need for tomorrow.

When we got to Louis's house he turned on a movie in his bedroom. Point break it was his favorite movie. I've probably seen it a handful of times with him. I snuggle in to his arm and listen to him recite each line.

"Who do you think that mystery guy is, that Aria slept with?" I asked. It was rather odd that Aria didn't say anything about who her beach lover was. She never keeps her mouth shut. I'm surprised she didn't go on and on about him.

"Swear to fuckin' God you won't say anything?" I nod vigorously in response. My desperation to know almost distracts me from the fact Louis knows and I don't. "I fucked her a couple weeks ago" he nonchalantly replies. I instantly sit up and stare at him with my mouth hanging wide open.

"No suh. I'm shook." I have so many questions to ask, and I don't hesitate to do so. "Are you guys together now? Was it good? Please tell me you used protection!" Louis laughs at my reaction.

"She's on birth control, we are definitely not together, and it was alright. Is that it for 21 questions all miss Zoella?" He finally answered, if he made me wait any longer I would've hit him.

"Hmm interesting. I'm kinda jealous, I wanted you to take my virginity. Oh well" I saying jokingly. Louis obviously not getting the joke grabs me by my hip to bring me on to his lap. I can't help but giggle at his touch.

"Woah woah woah! I can still take your virginity" he says. His face gets closer to mine. My mind is racing. His lips attached to mine and are lips are in sync. His lips are so soft against my own. I can taste a hint of mint. His lips travel to my neck. Is this actually happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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