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The night air was surprisingly cold for once in Los Angeles. I clung tightly to my sweater as i rushed to the window attempting to close it. I placed both my hands on the edge of the window pushing down as hard as i could. Even though i have been working out i still couldn't get this window to budge.

"Shi.t." I cursed as i still couldn't get it to close.

"You okay there love?" His deep voice purred. I jumped rather quickly not noticing that Matty was in the bathroom right behind me.

"Oh..y-yeah fine." I said smoothing my jeans over my legs. I turned back still trying to attempt to get this window closed. Matty's body glowed with the light of the bathroom as i could see his reflection. I watched as he came closer to me, his legs taking their normally long strides. My heart began to race as i watched him gain closer and closer to me.

"Here, let me help." He said in a breath and i could feel his warm breath fan across the back of my neck. My spine chilled immediately as i knew just how close he was to me, i slowly dropped my hands from the window allowing Matty's hands to replace mine. For a moment i was trapped in his little barricade. Easily Matty shut the window allowing my body to warm up immediately. "There you go love." He said again. The way he said love...like before, the tone of his voice...the way of his tongue...it was far too familiar.

"Please stop calling me that. It makes me uncomfortable Matty." I said slipping out of his arms, i heard his smirk as he quickly turned to my direction.

"The only reason it makes you uncomfortable is because you're thinking about when we were together." He threw back at me, my eyebrows raised in disbelief. Disbelief that he was being rude towards me, that he had the ba.lls to even speak rudely to me, and that he grew a rather aggressive side.

"Just stop calling me love. My name is Naomi." I stated standing firm.

"Oh i know your name alright." Matty commented with a devilish smirk. I rolled my eyes at his stupid remark,

"As easily as i let you learn it Matty i'll make you forget it." I said placing my hands over my chest. Matty stepped closer to me his body obviously challenging mine.

"It was very easy to forget." He said. As much as i wanted to lash back at him, i couldn't. Where had he grown this side? He was never like this...and it hurt me. His words hurt me and his actions hurt...this was not the same Matty. He walked away without another word as i still stood there looking down at my feet, my mind spinning over and over.


The alcohol was coursing heavily in my veins, i knew i was going to regret this later. 

"I think that's enough there Naomi." Adam said taking the last of my whiskey away. I pouted nodding my head as i spun around on the rickety chair. "We have to get back soon, Maddie is flying in tonight and i want to be there when she gets into LAX. I smiled,

"I-i'm glad you got yourself a girlfriend Adam." I said turning to him watching his cheeks turn pink.

"Im glad too, now lets go i have to get you back." Adam said getting off the stool too fast for my drunken eyes. I held onto the bar as my feet slowly reached the ground, i finally felt confident in my footing and followed Adam who was already so far away from me.

"Adam...c-can i ask you something." I said quietly. Adam quirked his head towards to me as he waited for me to speak. I was silent, feeling the heat from my breath. 

"Do you think that Matty...hates me." I said slowly. I focused on not falling over rather than the reaction of Adam. He was silent. A little too silent. 

"Not at all. I think he's still mad for you Naomi." He said looking at me again. My breath hitched in my throat,

Matty...still...in love with me?...There's no fuc.king way. He was just so mean to me...no he can't he-

Before i could control my own body i stopped mid stride and bent over to vomit up all the alcohol that represented my feelings for Matty. And if it was possible to smirk i would  have, because even now in attempts to drunkenly suppress my true emotions i cannot..they continue to resurface. 

// hello all. I am updating from a starbucks near my school haha. I am officially a college student :-) i really really really plan to update more since have some time. Bare with me, things are starting to pick up. Im back xx // 

Falling For You  // M.H. //Where stories live. Discover now