Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh! Stupid alarm I thought, as the alarm went off. I swear I didn't put it on, I was so confused. I picked up my pillow from under my head and chucked it at the alarm knocking it off the drawer. I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching before getting up as the bright sun streamed through the curtains. Picking up the alarm realising its only 9 am, I mean who gets up that early?! I groaned as I put it back where it was before trailing downstairs. I decided to annoy the neighbours and put my music on full blast listening to Chasing The Sun. Looking on the table, I saw my mum had left a credit card with a note:

From mum: hey darling, i know you'd have stayed in bed til god knows when so i put your alarm on. Don't forget that today im going on holiday with Kelly (who is my twin) and Chris (step dad) for 2 weeks. Also, I've got you a credit card with £2,000 on it DON'T WASTE IT! Dont forget to give Chantelle and Bethany's mum a ring make sure you say thanks to them for keeping an eye on you and make sure you BEHAVE. love you and see you soon. xxxx

I chucked the note on the floor. Doesn't she trust me on my own or does she have to have 2 people keeping an eye on me *sigh*. I go in to the kitchen and start to make an English Breakfast, I go upstairs back in my room and picking up my clothes for the day. I made my way into the bathroom for a shower.Turning the water on full blast and watching as the mirror fogs up.....

Feeling more awake I wrapped my hair in a towel and rubbed myself dry before puttting on my black ever-so-skinny jeans with my spiderman top and denim jacket with my Doc Martins. I walked in my room and looked in the mirror. i sighed again. I'm 18yrs old, green-brown-blue eyes "like a rainbow" below shoulder length brown hair with a size 6/8 figure and quite pale. I don't like the way I look but I put up with it. I put my make up on with big, thick, black eye liner. I picked up my phone to call Chantelle who is a friend. Nicknamed 'Channa' of mine she's so beautiful. She's a little bit smaller then me with lush long blonde hair, big blues eyes which are framed by glasses and a sized 16 and her boobs are like WOW, they're massive I'm so jelly of them I have speed bumps that's what my mates call them. I text Chantelle first.

To Channa : "Hey hun my mums finally going on holiday. so what time you coming to get me?"

From Channa: "Hey Jadie, haha lol, I'll get you at 12 if that's okay? And anyway why you up so early it so ain't like you?"

"Yeah thats fine, and don't even start my mum put my alarm on for nine I mean how mean is that?"

"haha, well i gotta get ready so see soon."

"okay bye hun."

I ran downstairs and got my laptop from under the sofa. I logged on and had 1 message from TWcomp. Just as I was about to read it I suddenly smelt something burning "Oh CRAP!" I shouted out loud as I chucked the laptop on the sofa and ran into the kitchen realising I'd left the sausages and bacon burning. I quickly turned off the cooker and chucked the burnt breakfast in the bin "Great thats my breakfast in the bin" I went into the fridge and picked up a big bar of Areo mint chocolate "Mmmm thats more like it" I said as I started to chomp away. I also picked up a can of 7up and then, I walked back into the kitchen deciding that I'll wash up later. Picking up my laptop again, I clicked on the message "OMG,OMG,OMG!!!" I screamed and then started to read aloud.

"Dear, Jade

You have won TW compition for 4 V.I.P tickets to go and see The Wanted. There will be a car to pick you up and you will have a weeks accommodation in NEW YORK.........".

I only entered the compition for a laugh as i knew my 3 mates loved The Wanted and thought if I won then I would take them but I never actually thought at all that I would ever get it. I jumped up and ran to the other sofa tripping on the way, I grabbed my phone quickly dialling the number and putting it on loud speaker.

"What's up?"


"okay jheez calm down, what's the matter with you?"

"OMG I can't tell the over the phone but i need you to get over hear asap"

"Fine, ive just left mine"

And she hung up. She seemed in a good mood earlier, most likely Emily, she gets on everyones nerves.

I also ring up Karen and Bethany realising I could've rung them all at the same time. LOL. Karen is short for her age. She's 18 same as me older by 3/4 months (I call her tinytot because of it) with an amazing 6 figure, lighly tanned skin(makes me jelly) with shoulder length brown hair, and light brown eyes. Bethany is an inch or 2 smaller than me, same age but older by 5/6 months shoulder length brunette hair with muddy green eyes. ANYWAYS.....

I ring them both demanding them to come over. I start singing and dancing around to "Lightning" one of my favourite songs. After the song's over, I collapse on to the sofa gasping for air.

Time suddenly flew by as there was a knock at the door. I crawled over to the door, legs aching, I reached up and opened it. Suddenly Bethany, Karen and Chantelle all burst out laughing "What the fudge are you doing on the floor?!" chuckled Channa. "OMG what the Hell are you doing you Knob." laughed Karen "Haha LOL you bum" declared Bethany. " Jee wiz thanks, i was dancing to The Wanted and I kinda hurt" I said with a massive grin on my face. They all looked at one another then back at me and picked me up Tinytot and Beth picking my legs and Channa my arms. " AHH! get off me u ....u ...u FISH!". "Fish? Are you cerial Jade" giggled Beth. They carried me into the living and chucked me onto the sofa . "I'm gonna kill you all" I said still laughing hysterically. Getting up, I walked into the kitchen " Would anyone want a drink?" I asked. " Before i say yes, one thing..." Karen smiled. We all knew what she was thinking "BOOBIE HUG" we all shouted. Running to each other and giving Boobie hugs. It's what we do all the time, it's kinda awsome. We all burst out laughing again. I walked back into the kitchen to get 4 cans of coke and bars of chocolate.

I gave them to the girls and sat on the floor. wanting to tell them the news, managing to hold it in."So how you all then?" I ask with a bit of laughter in my voice. They all look at me wondering why I called them over so urgently. "Jadie! what have you done?" Channa asked suspiciously."Cerial Channa? I ask my 3 most sexiest, amazing friends over and you think I'm up to something?" I winked as I got up and then put The Wanted on shuffle. "Jade, you never liked The Wanted, you only like Max wink wink lol." Beth said. "Hehe he is sooo smexy" I chuckle. "So you gonna tell us now why you called?" Karen whined. I try and hold off for a little while longer so I just gave a cheesy grin. "Ahh Jade i will hurt you if you don't tell me" said Beth. What seemed like 10 minutes of them giving me a deadly stare "Right girls, I have something to tell you". I finally say.

They all look at each other with a concerned look."Are you okay babe?" Channa said."What's happened?" said Beth worriedly. "HAHAHA, look at your faces! I mean LOL". I said. "What.." Karen said before I interupt. "We might aswell be playing with lightning" I started to sing. Then I took a sip of my drink before putting it back down on the table. Channa, Beth and Karen all looked at each other then got up after munching away at their chocolate. They walked over to me and jumped on me, Beth pinning me down while Channa and Karen were tickling me. God am I ticklish or what! I laughted hysterically. "Fuck off!" I choked. "Not before you tell us" Channa giggled still tickling. "FINE!!" I shouted. They carried on obviously not trusting me. "Stop and I'll tell you" I cry struggling free, it was no use. "I WON TICKETS TO THE WANTED!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs. They finally stopped tickling me and froze. All three staring at me wondering if it was the truth or not. They moved away and sat down still not saying a word. Once they sat down, I took another sip of my drink before putting it down and saying "So, I won 4 tickets to the Wanted concert in New York......" I stop waiting for their reactions...........


Hope you all like it so far :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2013 ⏰

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We might as well be playing with lightning (Max george and The Wanted FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now