Love never stays dead

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Mike could only hold back the tears as he lead another poor soul down to the basement. All he could mutter was "Sorry..." As he kicked the young woman down the basement stairs.
She looked up to Mike who just stared at her. "Please don't kill me!" Tears at the edge of her eyes. His cold Ice blue eyes met with hers for a second. He felt a tinge of sympathy for the young lady but remembered why he was doing this.
"I'm not going to kill you...."
"R-Really?" She said a little surpised
"But he will." He says coldly before shutting the door. He walks away as guilt fills his mind. But his thoughts are soon drowned out by the sound of ear pircing screams and bones being broken.
Jeremy had just about had enough of mike's little pranks. When ever he came home from shopping or something he'd play a little joke on him. Mostly harmless but It got old. Fast.
So when Mike was no where to be seen when he got home it was no surprise.
"Mike really? And you call me childish.." He sighs.
He starts to look around. Behind the sofa? Nope. In the downstairs bathroom? Nobody in there.
Jeremy started to head up the stairs. Probally in the bedroom he thought to him self. As he reached the top of the stairs thats when Mike jumped out at him
Jeremy let out a startled gasp and backed away only to meet with air. Mike could only watch as Jeremy's fragile body fell down the flight of stairs and land at the bottem with a sickening crack.
Mike just ran down the stairs and nearly puked at the sight.
Jeremys head had been cracked open. Blood pooling around him and his brain showing. Mike whimpers and fell to his knees shaking.
He picks up Jeremy's small wrist and looks for a pulse. But there was no pulse what so ever.
Mike started to panic. Thoughts of the police arresting him and taking him to prison for killing his love. He gulped looking at Jeremy now lifeless body. He knew what he had to do.
He lifts up Jeremys dead body and makes his way to the basement where he sets the body down and tears up.
"I'm sorry Jeremy but I don't wanna go to prison. I'll bury you at somepoint." He says as he exits the basement.
A week or two later Mike had blocked the thought of Jeremy out his mind. Thats when he started going to bars and having one night stands. Tonight he brought home a young sexy blonde. They walked into the house as they laugh. She was drunk but He was bearly tipsy.
"I never got you name cutie~" She purred
"It's Mike. Mike Schimdt..." He says taking off his coat
"Mike hm? Well Mikey how about we take or party upstairs~"
He smirked. He forgot how much fun it was to have a new pretty young thing on his arm every night. He started to take off his coat as he noticed his wallet was not in his pocket.
"Shit! Sorry Doll but y wallets missing. I probally just left it in the car. I'll be back!"
He says bolting out the door. About 15 mins later he sighs as he found it.
He walks in "I found it doll It was...." Before he could finsh his eyes widened at the scene before him. The girl he brought home layed on the floor covered in her own blood as her stomach and intestines lay next to her. He threw up at the sight and coughed. He started to back away but thats when his back hit something.
Or rather someone.
Mike gulped as he turned around and his gaze met with brown and bloodstained hair.
Yes this was indeed his little Jerebear. But not as he remembered.
His once peach skin now turned grey and dead. His eye's were lifeless and cold. He had small wounds over his body that maggots had started to eat away at. Mike looked at him trembling "You came b-back to me..."
Jeremy only let out a groan in response. The brunette limped his way over to Mike who starts to back away only to slip on someblood.
Jeremy continues to walk over to him and groan
Mike only stared in horror
'Is he trying to say something' He thought curious to what he had to say.
Jeremy groans out as kneels down to Mikes level.
Mike looks him in his cold, dead eyes.
He felt the same guilt he felt when Jeremy fell down those stairs. He missed his love.
He watched as his former boyfriend leaned into him and took his hand into his own. It was ice-cold. Cold and unfeeling.
He felt that same cold brush on his warm lips. That's when realized. Jeremy had kissed him.
His eyes opened wide. Mike did'nt kiss back. He just sat there unable to move. Frozen in fear.
He felt jeremy's cold and blood covered tounge run on his botten lip. He opened his mouth shakingly. He did not wanna anger him and end up like the body laying a mere metre away from him. Jeremy's tounge entered his mouth. It tasted of iron and rotten flesh. Mike had to stop himself puking again. After a few minutes of that he pulled away. Mike began to think.
At that momment he started to lead jeremy down the basement stair and threw the womans dead body down there with him and shut the door tight. He heard bones snap and flesh tear. He could only sob and sit at the basement door.
This was his punishment. And now his burden.
It had been a few weeks since Mike had started feeding Jeremy random strangers. Jeremy's body started to rot even more each passing day. He walked down the stairs. He turned on the basement light. Jeremy was chewing on a Ladys leg as he turns to Mike.
Mike sits next to him and strokes his hair.
"H-Hey Jeremy....Hows the leg?" He asks shakingly.
Jeremy only grunts in respose and turns back to feasting. Mike smiles and kisses his cheek before walking up the stairs.
He may be dead but thats his jerebear. And as long as he lives he will kill people to keep his love alive. No matter what the cost.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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