EBOLA!!!!!!!! :o

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leane woked up beside her favorite friend in the galaxy lance and because she heard the scare of the frightening ebola bear :( she scream just like a young and hug her plush toy and run for mom but then lenae figured out what she wAS MOM?!?! she shrugged and said "wow" then next evening night she took the children that she just now how because of her new discovery Halloween treating they went house to house and then even met own grandma. was a nice talk if she did say so herself but she didn't like the part where she ate two chocolate bars very slowly make uncomfortable really much but then leane go home because children played in the ebola fields and even ate ebOLA!!!! sghe dress up as doctor leane and then make the booboos better with likes of Hershey kisses children then pass out because LOL really hyper children and leane decideded to go to her own bed she just now had and she slept with exwife wife of lance giratina but then the next morning leane found out that she had ebola too and then she set fire to the rain because she didn't know how danger was and she killedd herself!!!!! the end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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