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It was 7:32 pm in Colorado. The day had been beautiful and the night was really keeping up the trend.

Aleks ran his hand through his hair for the sixth time. Gazing at himself intently  in the mirror, he fiddled with the collar of his sleeve trying to conseal  his colourful  tattoo as much as possible.  He smirked  confidently  at his reflection. Yeah,he looked  good.

Tonight was going to be Aleks' first date in over a year and he was prepared. Out of instinct,the brunette checked  his phone,feeling a little disappointed when he had no newer  messages from his date. However he felt a warm smile spread across his face as he read the last text message he had received.
[Eddie] 10:16 am:
I can't wait to hold you again!!!!!
Eddie and Aleks had met in highschool  and immediately  hit it off. Aleks soon discovered  he liked guys. And best friends turned into something  more. And they were happy. Really,really happy. Eddie was Aleks' world.

"Wow,you really brushed up,huh" a sleepy,deep voice interupted  Aleks' train of thought almost making him jump. The voice came from Kevin, Aleks' tall, Asian roomate. "It's almost like you've been getting ready for FOUR HOURS." Kevin laughed out softly as he flopped onto their shared ugly couch. Aleks rolled his eyes.

"Alright, Alright " he huffed. He turned around to face his friend who was now sprawled out on their tiny couch. "You know this is a pretty big deal to me though,Kevin. Like, it's Eddie. I haven't seen him in two years and he's the only person I actually  want to be with." Kevin made a bored  face and turned on the t.v, flickering  through the five different  channels that the roommates could afford. Aleks smiled fondly before returning  his focus back to his reflection. "We have so much to talk about and he said he wants us too get back together and that-"

"Then why did he leave." Aleks spun around his mouth open,ready to defend his date but no words came out.

Eddie left. His high school band got recognised  at a local show they were playing  at and Eddie was signed by a big company.  He moved to California and became pretty big. Two days after his band was officially  signed,Eddie broke it off with Aleks. He didn't  even officially  say goodbye  before he left the state.

"I...I don't know why he left." Aleks tried to swallow his nervous voice. But it was difficult  when the topic was your weak spot. Kevin noted the change in Aleks' tone and immediately  ripped his eyes away from the t.v.

"No, Aleks, Shit. That's not what I was supposed  to say" he sat up properly  on the couch in effort to see Aleks' face better. "He only left to seek his dream career  and now he's coming back for his dream guy~" Kevin corrected  himself, playfully.  Aleks exhaled,a small smile forming back on his lips.

"He's going to regret leaving" Aleks stated, confidently. Kevin could only grin in response before his eyes wandered  back to the TV screen. A few minutes  of comfortable silence felt between the two whilst Aleks went to fetch his shoes.

"I'm excited to meet him." Kevin pondered  out loud. "I've heard so many stories about the wonderful Eddie. In fact I think  know his life story!" The tall boy giggled to himself.

"You'll really like him, I promise" Aleks replied.  "I've really got to go dude, I'll see you later"

"Knock em' dead lover - boy! !"  And with those final words of wisdom from his roommate Aleks left their shared apartment.

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