Just a Dream? pt 1

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Kyky's POV (dream)

sometimes quiet is violent

I was driving down the road in the middle of the night.

i find it hard to hide it

There was a girl dancing in the middle of the street, distorted, broken almost.

my pride is no longer inside,  it's on my sleeve

She just walked in circles, crying.

my skin will scream, reminding me of

My car didn't stop

of who i killed inside my dream

She didn't stop until I hit her with my car

i hate this car that i'm driving

She went limp, blood draining from her body

there is no hiding for me

I jumped out of my car to help her

i'm forced to deal with what i feel

She was holding a note

there is no distraction to mask what is real

I picked it up and it read:

i could pull the steering wheel

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