Kagome is kidnapped?

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No one knows what happened. Only that one minute Kagome was right in front of them, as she fully immersed herself in that big monstrous bag while looking for something. Then the next second they looked, she was gone, completely vanished, and in her place now only remained her bag with its contents fallen out on the ground. Not a trace of her found, and even her scent, which was the only link to finding her, was also slowly fading away. However, even if they want to find out about the kidnapper, they would end up nowhere while only running around in a maze. No one has been born yet who could rival the great one, who has mastered the technique of hiding his aura and is above everyone. Alas, they had no clue what happened to her, and now they could only wait for her to come back to them without any harm.


Darkness surrounded everywhere with the bright moonlight the sole guidance for the beings wandering in the night. In this moonlight, we suddenly witness a white figure flying through the night sky. Then we see the white figure look down as he smiled slightly and kissed the forehead of the being lying in his comfortable embrace, fully wrapped in the warm fluffy furs, which looked pristine in the bright moonlight.

We finally saw their profile, brightened with the moon behind their figure. Surprisingly, it was none other than Sesshomaru and Kagome. Yes, folks, you thought it right, the one and only Kagome, who had suddenly vanished from her camp. On the other hand, the sneaky kidnapper is our cold and dazzling Sesshomaru Sama, the lord of western Japan. Sesshomaru had this small but almost invisible grin. His unbelievable amber eyes were twinkling with his hidden contentment as he is finally able to hold his precious mate. As for Kagome, although she was pouting with her pink, glossy lips, her gleaming blue eyes were not able to hide her inner joy. Happiness radiated from both of their auras as they entwined each other in an ethereal dance.

Kagome asked with her mischievous eyes sparkling in the night sky ''So, do tell dear Sesshomaru-Sama, why have you kidnapped this poor Miko?''

"My dear Miko! I think you know well as to why this Sesshomaru has to resort to a 'kidnapping,' don't you? " Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome, and then a full smile finally broke out on his chiseled face as he saw Kagome's answering pout.

''Oh, I do? '' Kagome pretended to look puzzled as she glanced up at Sesshomaru and saw him staring at her with burning heat in his eyes. She blushed deeply as the red color even reached her neck, and then, she quickly averted her eyes toward the moon, no looking in his eyes anymore. This move was not taken well by Sesshomaru, so he caught her chin in hand and lifted her face toward him. Kagome gradually lost to his charms, and her dreamy gaze slowly started pursuing his captivating figure. Slowly lifting her hands, she gently stroked his right cheek, then lightly traced his dark crescent moon resting between his eyebrows. After that, she fleetingly touched his closed eyes and nose, finally arriving at his lips. Her eyes stayed there for a second, and then she slowly started drawing near.

Sesshomaru's instincts were on fire as he slowly started losing control of himself, and with her taking such an initiative, well, who is he to deny her and him this pleasure. He lowered his head and heatedly met her beckoning lips. Instantly, as their lips joined together, they felt an electric current pass throughout their body and reached the depth of their souls. This feeling is what they had been missing for months now. They had to restrict themselves for many reasons before, but, at this moment, they wanted to forget everything, be it their status, their responsibilities, nothing mattered. Their lips passionately moved together. Sesshomaru remembered how lonely he felt without her, how much he wanted to be near her all the time. So he poured all his bottled-up feelings into his kisses and felt her tears in acceptance. He gently tightened his arms around her in comfort, slowly taking their passion to another level as he bit Kagome's lower lips while asking entrance to her sweet mouth. Kagome obliged with a hearty moan as her mind became more and more cloudy with overwhelming feelings. Sesshomaru's tongue explored Kagome's mouth as their tongues wrestled with each other. Kagome's hand unconsciously curled itself onto Sesshomaru's silky hairs as she moaned again. This kissing session would have gone forever if their lungs were not screaming for air.

They reluctantly drew apart as their lips separated with a white sheen of saliva glazing their mouths. Not willing to separate, the couple embraced tightly, not leaving any gap. Both of them tried to calm their racing heart but it was all in vain. Sesshomaru's eyes remained on Kagome's glossy lips as he gently wiped the saliva at the corner of her mouth. Feeling that soft touch, he felt his body heating again. He desperately closed his eyes and put his head on her shoulder while breathing her addicting scent.

The cloud carrier suddenly disappeared as Sesshomaru sat down in a flower-filled clearing. Under the moonlight, the colorful flowers made for quite beautiful scenery and only enhanced this lovely night all the more.

"I was feeling very lonely without you, my mate. Not a moment passed when I was not thinking about you. And that is why this Se-I kidnapped you. I am not able to endure it any longer,'' Sesshomaru earnestly said while his lips were busy kissing and nipping at Kagome's neck where he had placed his mating mark. Kagome looked up at him with tears falling from her eyes. The days they have been away from each other were very hard for her. The urge to see him never went away. She had wanted to run away from her pack to stay by his side. She wishes she could tell her friends about her relationship, but she could not as it is not the right time yet.

''Oh, Sesshomaru!'' She cried and hugged him while being careful of his spiky armor.

Noticing her struggle, he quickly untied his armor and put it beside him.

''My dear mate, I don't have the strength to stay away from you any longer now."

''Kagome, how much longer do you want to conceal our relationship? I want the world to know that you are my mate. And no one other than me can have you,'' Sesshomaru said in a clipped voice while growling in jealousy.

''We have to kill Naraku for that to happen, my love. The reason I don't know, but God had only told me to do this.''

''As you wish, my Kagome, but promise you will come with me to my castle after all this is over.''

''I will, my mate. Wherever you are, is my home. Where can I even go? " Kagome softly smiled and moaned as Sesshomaru suddenly nibbled a sensitive spot on her neck.

''I love your voice, my dear. Say my name one more time.''

"Sesshomaru...'' Kagome whispered with her breathy voice. He laid her down on his white fur and used the whole night to tell her how much he missed and wanted to be with her.

As the first rays of sunlight reached the clearing, they finally decided to leave the clearing, where they spent hours making love to each other. While they were lost in passion last night, Sesshomaru had made her agree to let him join their group as the final battle with Naraku is near, and danger is lurking everywhere. Sesshomaru is not willing to leave his mate alone, without any strong protection amidst these uncertain times. After flying some distance, they came upon Inuyasha and the pack. Her friends all came at once to Kagome. Asking if she is alright and what happened!? Where was she the whole night?

She just blushed and stared at the ground. Finally, they all noticed Sesshomaru, after Inuyasha shouted Sesshomaru's name. After Miroku asked him about his presence, they heard him say that he is joining their pack for the final battle with Naraku. Inuyasha was enraged, and her friends were wary, but after Kagome discussed with them, they finally agreed as they needed all the help they could get to defeat Naraku. So their relationship remained a secret, but they were both happy now as they are near each other and no longer alone.

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