Chapter 1: The beginning

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06/06/66 22:14

I woke up frantically, inside a small cabine, an ery feeling that I was being watched sent shivers through my bones, the floor boards creeked as I moved around on a small wooden bed trying to find my Bering, sweating and shaking as I stared helplessly towards a old wardrobe "it's watching me! I know it is!" I shouted pounding my head trying to wake up from this nightmare.

I sat up staring cautiously at anything that was creepy but in an old shack like this what isn't creepy, I scrambled around in the darkness hoping to find something...useful anyway, I stumbled upon an old wooden table, feeling my way around it I felt something brush on the palm of my hand.

"Arh what is that!" I shouted as the sweat pores down my face, my heart pounding deep in my skin, "it feels old paper" I thought to myself, I bring it into the dim glow of the moon "it's a map! But what are those strange markings on it?" I put the map in my pocket of my trousers I continue to feel around more on the table and grabbed hold of a box of matches "yes" I whispered, I begin striking the match against the striking pad, after a few torturous attempts I get the match lit, I turn around because i had noticed a foul stench that i didn't notice before and I had seen shadowy figure standing before me, I step closer, as I gasp to talk I noticed it's a small girl with her head hanging from her shoulders by her spinal cord smiling back at me, I noticed all the furniture floating in the air, I swallowed my words as it's screeching scream shook my ear drums I heard fingernails scratching the wooden walls it sounded almost like someone scratching a chork board it gave me shivers, I screamed bashing down the door, with that thing behind me I knew there was no looking back, I ran further into the snowy woods "I knew it was watching me! I knew it! I knew it all along!"

06/06/66 23:05

After stopping for a while I started to have flash backs on the event that accrued it was weird, all my sanitary was long gone now I don't even know my name, where I am or how I even got here all I know is I have these weird clothes on with these letters and numbers on them -ts46- "what's that even mean?" I asked myself, after studying the map for quite some time I have noticed it's all codes in some form of symbols, I noticed a crumpling sound, I stand up and suddenly the air goes cold and still "what the fuck is going on?" I whispered "I'm not going insane am I?...Oh well it's hard to tell with what happened. "

I slowly creep towards the crumpling sound only to realize that it's a note nailed to the tree, on it was weird symbols much like the map and some letters I could recognize "it's a coded map. Of course it's coded!" I said frustratedly.

Pacing around an old tree trying to forget about what happened and focus on surviving "the temperature is dropping rapidly. I need to make a fire quickly" I said frantically trying to stay warm under the candle light helplessly scrambling around trying to find fire wood.

07/06/66 00:02

I had found fire wood and lots of dryed up leaves but there is only a few problems, one is the firewood is all wet and two I have only two matches left "I don't know how I'm going to survive tonight especially if something like that is still after me." I said clearing my nose and wiping the tears from my face "what's going on, where am I" I said, I noticed I strange post standing I the middle of an open misty area just up from me I it didn't look right so I had to have a look.

As I moved more closer I noticed weird chilling sounds that were rather creepy and distributing, I could hear a woman crying, a small child laughing and the sound of flesh being ripped and eaten, it kept sending shivers through my bones and as the clearing grew closer towards me the sounds grew louder and louder, it begun hurting my ears and as soon as I stepped into the clearing all the sounds went dead cold silent, the only sound I could hear was my breath and my foot steps.

As soon as I placed both my feet into the circle the sky went blood red and start to move faster as it begun warping time I could not tell what day and what time it was my watch was moving in different ways as I watch the clouds fly past at an unusually fast pace, I also noticed that the sounds of the woods were growing louder and louder and writing appeared in blood seeping out of the post and all of a sudden the small girl appeared right in front of me but this time with a knife and her head still intact her deathly screach rattled my eardrums, I cluched my ears and falling to my knees, peeking from one eye I watched her hack through her neck violently and then her head fell below her shoulders dangling upside down, her blood raining down her white dressing gown.

In panic I run back into the woods my eyes keep glancing back at the girl but with every stare I see her closer and closer again and that foul stench of rotting flesh seeping through my nose almost making me vomit, but I hold back my temptation of vomiting because I know I have to escape this nightmare.

03/02/87 02:15

After escaping I notice my watch it is warped way out of time and date I didn't know what the real time was or even the date but that was the least of my worries at this point in time. "That stench, sights and sounds are still there, I can smell, see it and even hear it's presents." I said to myself "Why me! What have I done to deserve such torture!" I yell grasping onto the last strand of sanity I have left.

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