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Hello and Welcome to my first attempt at a (hopefully successful) spy series. In this book I hope to try and check my grammar and spelling before I publish; which lazily I have never done before in any of my other books....ooops.

This shouldn't be too long. I know whats gonna happen, just not the length of the book yet.

This book would be a 12 A if it were a UK film. So yeh, it's appropriate for you guys.

Let the story begin!


"Jessica!" My Dad called from what I presume was the stair case. "Dinners ready!" He added.

"Coming!" I called back, not taking my eyes off of the two screens.

We worked for the HWE, it stood for the 'Hidden.World.Enforcement's'. We were spies who even most of the government, didn't know existed. Everyone knew of the MI5, M11 and what not, but only members knew about us.

Right now, I was doing my work; living my extra double lives. As I clicked through Facebook on the monitor on my right, I scrolled through Twitter on my left. I had two of each social media account, for my two extra lives.

It may appear to be fake, having another secrete life like that. But it isn't completely. My personalities were the same, but it was how my two lives were perceived that were different.

I suppose its easier in my outcast life, where observing from afar is my job. No one ever tries so see my house, meet my family, discover my life, know that I exist.

Now your probably wondering how on earth I have managed to live two lives for a year. (My real life doesn't really count as one). Well here in the UK when your my age (17) your in College (and no not like College in America, our College is their Junior/Senior year) Although here you can continue studying at College for as long as you like.

I go to too different colleges, and because I am a spy; I had some inside connections who could show me what my timetable would be like when I first applied for both placements. That was why I can choose subjects that don't overlap with each other. That way I can attend different colleges at different times; and sometimes even on different days.

I also had a fake family who did my hair and makeup on the days where I had to live two lives. Whenever I would finish my lessons in one College I would come straight outside and join them in the family 'delivery van'. From there they would drive me to my other college, whist completing my hair and makeup disguise.

And i'm not just talking blusher. They gave me fake skin, eyebrows and hairstyles. Both identities had it, and the only time I didn't have it was when I was at home, my real home, with my real family on weekends.

My fake family however, was mainly for my 'popular and social life'; where I would have to have friends over at times.

My 'un popular' life used my fake family, but no-one ever met them, or even knew where I lived.

Sounds horrible but it wasn't really. No one in my fake family were related, we were all spies too. Us 'siblings' all had the same job; the parents in a way too.

Although my biological family were spies too, no civilians (non spies) could know that we were related. Sounds strange, but it was how our organisation works.

I was used to it, we were used to it. It was our lives....Until everything went wrong.

Someone started to steal my fake lives.

But this is getting too far ahead, its time to start from the beginning; to when I first put on, my fake identities.


So this was a trail update, to see if you guys are interested. If people vote or comment, I will start updating in September.

If I here nothing, this book probably won't start until late October.

What do you think?

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