Chapter 5

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I rolled over my bed to see the clock. It was almost 8 in the morning. I remembered that Niall was going to pick me up early so i guessed it was going to be about 10 am or so. I'm the kind of girl that is always active, acts sometimes like a little kid, i didn't care if they call me immature, i'm just me. But when it comes to be serious, believe me, i'm really serious. I rubbed my eyes and took a sip of the glass of water i always keep beside me in my nightstand.

I walked to the bathroom with my sleepy face, not wanting to look in the mirror i opened the shower faucet. I took off my nightgown and slid into the cold shower. I like cold showers, they wake me up and make me feel active. I loved that shampoo, how is it called? Tre.. Trese.. Ah, Tresemmé! I had all their products! It just makes my hair look more curly and shinny. Oh, and it also makes it smell so good.

When i got out the shower i looked in my whole body mirror and stared at my body. I wasn't fat, but i wasn't a skinny bitch either.

I was comfortable with my body, i had really nice curves. I pulled in my high waisted denim shorts and put on my white crop shirt and matched the oufit with a pair of gold sandals. It was an absolutely sunny day, days like this one are specials! for real. I brushed my hair and applied some make up, Eleanor wasn't awake so I thought it would be nice wake her up and tell her where i was about to go. I made my way to her bedroom and saw a bump in her bed, I jumped over her, ''Eleanooooor!! wake up!!'' I screamed and a cranky Louis hopped out of the bed.

''da fuck!!'' I yelled and he yelled back, ''aaah! no, no, no! it wasn't me! i swear!'' I was already on the floor, we were staring at each other like what the hell just happened I tried to breath carefully, my heart was racing.

''okay, now that you almost give me a heart attack..'' I started saying and then we say it at the same time, ''what are you doing here?'' ''wait,'' I continued, ''this is my house, mate. What are YOU doing here? in.. Eleanor's bed.. ewk'' I made a face of repulsion. He scratched the back of his head, ''erm.. it was too late yesterday, you know.. it's dangerous to drive at midnight..'' He said avoiding my glance. I made him a suspicious look and nodded.

''oh yes, absolutely!'' I smiled sarcastically, he looked at me and thought i believed him. ''dangerous my pants, Louis!'' I started tickling him and he was crying my name. ''Alice! Alice! pleaaaaase stooop! I'm not gonna be responsable for your injuries!'' he yelled like a little girl and i was laughing out loud. ''say you love me!'' I tickled him even harder.

''I.. I LOVE YOU! BUT PLEASE STOP!'' I saw a tear falling from the corner of his right eye. ''good! you're free now Boo'' I folded my arms over my chest like a boss. He was just laying with his hands on his stomach because of the hilarious pain. ''Louis, you wanted chocolate milk? oh... shit..'' Eleanor interrupted our moment and I stared at her standing there with her eyes wide open. ''well, well, well.. Here's something fishy, don't you think... ELEANOR?'' I tried to make of the moment a suspense scene.

''erm.. what are you talking about? He just arrived..'' she made a crooked smile. ''really? coz Louis just told me that he passed the night here.. Are you lying to me, Eleanor?'' Of course i knew she was lying to me, but it is really interesting when you know the truth and they keep lying. ''Okay! stop! I lied, i surrender!'' she raised her arms and i laughed. Louis was watching our scene from the bed like a little kid watching his favorite cartoon. ''i knew it.'' I smiled and left them both alone in her room. ''wait! aren't you going with Niall today?'' now was her turn to attack me with questions, damn karma.

''erm.. what?'' I pretended not to hear her. ''oh yes, i heard you last night talking to him per the phone'' she said behind me. I bit my lower lip. ''oh, that call.. Yes, i'm going to i don't know where with him. Nothing serious'' I tried to sound relaxed even though i was really tense inside. ''okaaaay, seems like here's something fishy..'' Louis imitated me while he was hugging Eleanor by her really tiny waist.

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