I'll start at the beginning

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Bailey's POV

"And what's the worst part of having cancer?" The interviewer asked.

"Having to tell people that you're okay" I said simply. Okay, at the moment I am having one of the biggest interviews of my life. Why don't I start at the beginning? Then you'll know what I'm talking about.

I was born on the 2nd of July to the Payne family. My mum is called Karen and my dads name is Geoff. I have three older siblings: Ruth, Nicola and Liam. Yes, I am the sister of Liam Payne. I had a completely healthy normal life, I mean, no one expects to be diagnosed with cancer, no ones prepared for it. Just two days after my eleventh birthday came that dreaded doctors appointment. Mum noticed that I had been displaying the symptoms of lung cancer for a while: a really bad cough that wouldn't go away, at the worst points I would end up coughing up blood, I felt weak all the time, I struggled to breath sometimes and I had lost lots of weight, mostly down to the fact that I didn't have an appetite anymore. I didn't even want to eat any cake at my birthday. So mum booked me in at the local hospital, we didn't tell anyone because we couldn't be certain that it was anything serious and we didn't want to get everyone worried. Especially Liam, he and I have a very close relationship and he is very protective over me. When mum and I arrived at the hospital we had to sit in the waiting room for two hours until we were called for our appointment, which was delayed, as usual.

"Sit down Mrs and Miss Payne" the doctor said, putting on his best happy face.

Poor guy, he had probably been up since four this morning.

"Now what seems to be the problem, it says here that you were worried that your daughter was displaying signs of..."

"Duh blah duh" mum interrupted him with some random noises, what she did whenever one of my older siblings was about to swear.

I looked at her curiously and then back to the doctor. Mum started explaining what symptoms I had been showing and the doctor nodded, writing them down on his clipboard.

"Okay, now Bailey, would you mind listing up your shirt so I could have a listen to your breathing?" He asked.

I nodded and slowly lifted up my shirt to reveal my flat as a pancake chest. I looked down and noticed that my ribs were starting to stick out and my stomach looked like it was caving in. The doctor put his stethoscope to my chest and listened for a few seconds before signing and shaking his head slightly.

"I'd like to refer you for an MRI scan, just to make things certain" he buzzed for a nurse, "if you go with Nurse Hunnigton then she will take you to be x-rayed, okay? I'm just going to talk to your mother" he smiled at me.

I smiled unsurely back at him before following Nurse Hunnigton out of the room and along some long, squeaky clean hallways.

"If you could change into this sweetheart, I'll get the machine set up for you" she handed me one of those blue patterned hospital robes which I changed into behind the curtain she had pointed to.

I was then instructed to lie down on a bed while she clicked some buttons. Slowly the bed started moving into a big, half moon shaped object.

"Just keep really still okay, close your eyes and don't worry about it okay?" She smiled and squeezed my hand before I was completely surrounded by the machine.

Less than half and hour later I was back in the doctors office with mum holding onto my hand tightly, it looked like she had been crying. The doctor had disappeared off to get the results from my MRI scan and mum and I had been waiting for a very nervous five minutes, though it felt like forever. The doctor eventually returned, fiddling with some pieces of paper in his hand.

"Well, it's not great news" he said, "but I'm going to be honest with you." Mum squeezed my hand even more tightly as we waited for those awful words to slip out of the doctors mouth.

"Your daughter has lung cancer. I'm so sorry. It seems to be very aggressive and growing quickly, but we won't be able to start treatment for another month. I'd like you to come back then where we will give Bailey chemotherapy, that is of course if she wants it" he said.

I looked into my mum watery, hopeful eyes and nodded to the doctor.

"The side effects can be severe vomiting, diarrhoea, hair loss, tiredness" he explained, "and once it is administered we can't do anything to reverse it"

"That's okay" my voice cracked from trying not to cry, "will it make it go away?"

"Some people are lucky enough to beat their cancers, but that is mostly when we remove them. I'm afraid yours is on your lung and we can't do that, but it will slow it down" he said softly.

I nodded and tears dropped down my cheeks. Mum pulled me into a hug and I let out a loud sob.

"I'll leave you alone. When you are ready you can go and collect the information about the next appointment from the desk" the doctor headed out of the room and closed the door quietly behind him.

"Will we ever be ready?" Mum choked out.

"We can do this mum, we can fight it" I said.

"You don't worry about a thing sweetie, I'll tell your dad and sisters. But Bailey I don't think we should tell Liam, at the moment anyway. You know how worried he gets about you and he's in the middle of his tour at the moment, we don't want him worrying" mum let out a sob, "that sounds so harsh"

"Mum I agree, I don't want to ruin it for him" I whispered, still leaning against mums shoulder.

Mum told my dad that night and he spent the rest of the evening holding me in his lap while I cried and cried and cried. Mum had to call Ruth and Nicola since they no longer lived with us. They both spoke to me and told me to be strong and not worry about it. How could I not worry about something like this? A disease that was eventually going to kill my body.

A/N- hope you like the start of my new story :) I'm starting school in a couple of days so I am planning to update at least every weekend and maybe other days if I'm not to busy. Please vote and comment!

My Big Brother Liam Payne (a cancer story)Where stories live. Discover now