Standing at the beach today
I saw my whole life infront of me
The sky was happiness
All sunny and warmth
I could feel it all around me
In my lungs
But I didn't feel it
No matter how high I tried to reach up and touch it
It went further away
The dampened sand reminded me of innocence
Our youth
And how our innocence became dampened and darker
With each passing second
The waves were like sadness,
Dampening the sand and my feet
They seemed to drift me away
Into their dark place
I felt myself drowning in the sadness
And the funny thing was,
As the waves swept me down and kept me there
I swear I could see the light of happiness just above it
And I found it funny
Because maybe you only feel happiness the second before you fade.
Sweeping Sadness
PoetryA short thing I came up with thinking about a time I went to the beach and saw everything differently.