Chapter 1

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Just starting this one it's been swimming around in my head for a few months now and thought I'd put it up here :) hope you enjoy!

Ps. I'd love hearing name ideas from you guys! anybody and everyone can give one and I'll reply if you feel like PMing m :)


Lee pressed her eight year old face onto the window of her parents suburban as they drove up to their new lake cabin. It was older, needed a new paint job or two but other than that it was theirs. Lee squealed with glee as she jumped out of the vehicle and made a straight shot for the doc.

"Lee get back here!" Her mother yelled, but Lee was too excited to care to listen. Running as fast as her little feet would allow her sprinted onto the doc, the water splashing on the wood as she went. Once Lee had reached the end of the doc she gawked around excitedly at the green tinted clear water. The lake was huge! and beautiful! A dark shadow crossed her vision in the water.

Crashing down to her knees she leaned over the water to get a better look, it was the biggest fish she had ever seen. The dark shadow flashed in and out just where the water got dark enough she couldn't see into it anymore. Lee gripped the edge of the doc and leaned in farther. The shadow stopped moving and began to hover just out of sight.

Waiting a few seconds Lee stayed their, staying as still as possible in hopes of the fish coming closer. Just as the weeds began to move her mother grabbed onto her shoulder.

"Leanne! I told you, you're not allowed down her unless we were with you." Her mom chided. Lee sunk and looked back down into the water, the shy fish had left. Lee sighed and stood up and trudged back up the doc to help her parents move things into the cabin.

"Told you to listen to mom." Her younger brother sneered. Lee glared at him.

"You're just a scaredy cat of water." She threw back at him with her tongue sticking out. One glance from their mother silenced the siblings.

*Ten years later*

Lee was packing her bags to head out to the popular lake an hours drive away, she smiled excitedly to herself and she packed her best bikini's. This was the day that Cade was going to notice her, he'd have no choice.

It was their grad year and to celebrate the start of their last year the whole grade would be filing out in a loud convoy in the next few hours. Lee wiggled smiling to herself again as images of her and Cade dancer around in her head.

Double checking that everything was where it was supposed to be she grabbed the keys to her junky old car and dashed out the front door before her parents could lecture her anymore about being safe. Tossing her bag in the shabby old thing she jumped in after it, connecting the music she turned up the volume and began driving to her friends house.

Bass boomed out as she pulled up to her friend's house, she honked the horn impatiently and waited. Half a song later Charlie rounded the corner, her bag hitting her back as she went. She watched her friend rush into the car with a large grin on her face.

"Let's go!" Charlie hooted as she pulled her sunglasses down. Not wanting to wait another minute Lee threw the car into reverse and then drive, taking off as fast as her crappy car would allow.

Along the drive they were passed by a number of others in the grade, honking and waving out the windows screaming. The two girls looked at each other laughing, wishing the lake wasn't so far away. An hour later Lee and Charlie pulled into the small driveway that belonged to the cabin.

Charlie kicked the car door open, literally, as soon as the car stopped. "You need to get a new car dude." She grumbled. Lee shot a look over at her friend.

"Yes well I don't see your shoes getting you this far so go easy of the girl." She said as she pet the car affectingly. "Now grab your crap and lets get going, I'm on a very important mission tonight." She winked. Charlie tossed her friends cellphone at her.

"Yes you are." She winked back. Lee had been after Cade for months now, and the idiot was too stupid to understand she had been flirting with him. But tonight was the night she was going to make it very clear she was interested to say the least.

Walking up to the cabin door Charlie turned the knob finding it was already unlocked.

"Uh that's not right." She stated as the door swung open wide. Lee and Charlie exchanged glances and slowly backed away from the cabin. Unlocking her car Lee grabbed the tire iron and handed her friend the beat up old umbrella.

"Seriously?" Charlie hissed. Lee shrugged at her.

"Better than nothing." Lee and Charlie proceeded with caution when they entered the cabin. Carefully placing each step they made it down the hallway, hearing a bang they swung their heads towards the bathroom where the noise had come from. Lee motioned towards the room as the girls snuck on.

Positioning themselves on either side of the door the girls waited. A click sounded and they tensed up ready to take out who ever had broke in. The light flooded into the hallway and both girls started screaming as they swung at the stranger.

"OOMF!" The stranger dropped to the floor. Lee and Charlie blinked as they recognised their B&E suspect.

"Adam!?" They both yelled at once. A small groan came from the boy crumpled stuck between bathroom and hallway.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Lee asked her younger brother, her voice strained. Adam laid there cupping his groin, moaning at the pain. Charlie leaned on the umbrella as soon as she realized she wouldn't be attacking him again.

"I think your parents went overboard." Charlie sighed. Had they ever. They had sent her little brother to watch over them? How little did her parents trust her anyways? Lee huffed, taking her umbrella back and stomped back to the car.

"He is in so much shit." She growled as she passed Lee who stood in the hallway waiting for her brother to stand up. She eyed her friend over her shoulder suspiciously. Blushing Charlie followed Lee into the kitchen.

Adam limped into the kitchen glaring at his sister and throwing a small smile at Charlie. Charlie began to smile back when Lee hip checked her.

"Least I didn't have the tire iron?" Charlie tried comforting. He held up his shirt showing her his sister had hit him. The skin was already starting to turn purple and blue along his ribs and hip.

"Still does damage." He grumbled shaking his hair out of his face. Lee strode up to her brother.

"And what the hell are you doing here?" She demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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